Jorge Uvo - Comments

#707525 Rua Javari
Jorge Uvo
1 year ago
6 days ago

The current photo of the Rua Javari (ID 107219) stadium background is not from Juventus (SP) but it is from Argentinos Juniors.


This photo that I uploaded now is very recent from the main entrance of the Rua Javari. This is the only photo that I could find with acceptable resolution. The stadium inside photo is correct and don't need to change.


Note that I also double checked the stadium background of the Argentinos Juniors (ID 959671) and the existing photo in the package is correct, NO CHANGES IN THE ID 959671.


Thanks and regards,


Jorge Uvo

#701826 FC’12 Brazil – Serie C 2022
Jorge Uvo
1 year ago
6 days ago

Hi guys… When I tried to install this "Serie C 2022" Kit, the kits were not loading in my FM22. I found the issue in the config.xml file. It is a very simple and quick correction, taking 3 seconds to fix it. Here is goes:


The line <record from="remo_22_3 to="graphics/pictures/team/334/kits/away"/> is missing the at the name of the remo_22_3 fil. You just need to add the ”, save the file, and reload the skins in FM22. This line should be like this: <record from="remo_22_3" to="graphics/pictures/team/334/kits/away"/>


I hope I could help you guys.