Bullwine - Comments

#776029 Sas Skin 24
1 year ago
1 day ago
By sasmaz 01 March 2024 - 19:37 PM UTC 

there is a fmf version and a zip version of each

So the Sas24.March.fmf or .zip is the normal desktop version (zip version for use of mods i have added (read the faq))

the Sas24.Mar-laptop.fmf and .zip are the same as above, just for laptops.


Those with Hidden are versions where you have the option to see hidden attributes of players and staff


The reason why i have added the Zip files and the FAQ to the download list is that ppl have been asking for them as they can't access my direct folder link on this site


I hope it cleared it up abit 🙂


EDIT. you are 100% correct, i just noticed the error

i had copy'd the wrong file for the desktop hidden version and given it the laptop name… i have added the Sas24.Mar-Hidden to the list


Thanks a bunch!

#776025 Sas Skin 24
1 year ago
1 day ago

While I am seeing the Mar-Hidden.zip file, I'm also seeing two versions of Mar-laptop.fmf in addition to Mar-laptop-hidden. Is one of them the desktop version of Mar-hidden.fmf?