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#719138 FM23 Price Comparison
Kev Booth
STEAM selling it for £44.99 currently.
#475878 England - English Level 9-10 SS'2018/19 Relink! (21/02/19)
Kev Booth
Awesome, thanks mate.
#475859 England - English Level 9-10 SS'2018/19 Relink! (21/02/19)
Kev Booth
They look great in game too.
#475834 England - English Level 9-10 SS'2018/19 Relink! (21/02/19)
Kev Booth
#400900 SS' Susie Avatar's Kits
Kev Booth
Thanks mate, sorry it's taken a while to get back to you. (Y)
#396495 SS' Susie Avatar's Kits
Kev Booth
Name: KevSkegRed
Number: 66
Club: Nottingham Forest
Home OR Away: Home
What year of kits: 2017/18
#396494 FM17 Megapack 233 Updates by claassen (Final Pack)
Kev Booth
Thanks Mons.
#396477 FM17 Megapack 233 Updates by claassen (Final Pack)
Kev Booth
#396474 SS'17-18 Download Pack update thread
Kev Booth
It's ok, found it now, teach me to check the forum properly.
#369239 SS' Susie Avatar's Kits
Kev Booth
Thanks mate, don't worry about the delay, not been playing FM since late November anyway, got hooked on Civ VI.
#356583 SS' Susie Avatar's Kits
Kev Booth
Number: 66
Club: Nottingham Forest
Home OR Away: Away
What year of kits: 2016/17
Is it possible to do the front of the shirt with my name above it??
Or could you do front and back side by side, with my name and number on the back??
Or another idea, could you possibly recreate my current avatar but with the current Forest kits??
Thanks mate.
#356580 FM 17 Huge database
Kev Booth
Look at the download page, it tells you in detail where to put all your downloads.
#356579 release all players
Kev Booth
Download it in Steam mate, in the Tools section.
#230774 Incorrect Logos
Kev Booth
#229655 Incorrect Logos
Kev Booth
#229385 Incorrect Logos
Kev Booth
#229035 Incorrect Logos
Kev Booth
#146490 English Lower Leagues Basic V.1.0.2
Kev Booth
#113831 FM2014 RTE - Real Time Editor for Football Manager 2014
Kev Booth
#18745 demands for 1st team action.....
Kev Booth
#10506 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Kev Booth
Try the Interface tab mate.