shichimencho - Comments

#516387 Creating a Competition
14 years ago
4 years ago
Hi Folks,

I'm sure there must be a guide around here for this, but I can't find it - sorry! I want to create a new worldwide club cup competition in the editor; one for university and high-school teams. I did something like it years ago on an old editor, but I'm really struggling with how to do it and not make basic errors like accidentally removing a team from its current league when all I want to do is add it to a cup.

Anyone able to tell me how I go about creating such a competition?

#361619 Problems with Custom Config File on FM2016 (Mac)
14 years ago
4 years ago
Use TextWrangler to write your config file on Mac, i moved all my files from windows and if you try to edit them for some reason the game wont recognise them and textwrangler is the only thing i found that would open and edit the file and still make it readable.

Thanks very much for that suggestion: I tried it with TextWrangler (even writing a totally fresh file) but still no success! I'm at giving-up point on this. The strange thing is that all of the graphics files I've brought across from Windows work fine; it's just when I try to edit anything on the Mac that it instantly becomes unreadable.
#357835 Problems with Custom Config File on FM2016 (Mac)
14 years ago
4 years ago
Thanks so much for your help, and for reworking that file for me. Unfortunately, still no success after the renaming - have had the .PNG problem before on a windows laptop, but am working on a mac and it seems to have a lower-case .png extension. Any other thoughts?
#357812 Problems with Custom Config File on FM2016 (Mac)
14 years ago
4 years ago

Have created custom facepack config files for years without ever having any problems, but have just created one for the first time on a Mac and the files aren't loading. Would be great if someone could take a glance at the attached file and give me a second opinion to see if I've done anything obvious here that's causing these images to not load up. The images themselves are in the .png format, and the file names seem to match.

Thank you for any answers you can provide!
#38060 FM 13 - Amusing Screenshots Thread
14 years ago
4 years ago
Disappointing that he doesn't want to join as I really need a full back who can scythe people down.

(EDIT: Sorry - I appear to be doing a rubbish job of actually uploading this picture properly)
#37543 Strange Jump in Non-Footballing Costs
14 years ago
4 years ago
Wonder if anyone else has had this same problem happen on the 2013 game:

I'm currently playing as Wembley FC, using a Level 9 mod. My non-footballing costs for August 2012 were just above £1,000, but for September 2012 they were over £500,000! During this time I had signed a number of players and staff on amateur contracts, but that's it. Footballing wages stand at less than £100 a month. All of these costs seem to hit on September 1st as the board declared that administration was imminent. Sure enough, a week or so later and the club is in administration. Any ideas how this might have happened? I've always managed to run a pretty tight ship, so it seems pretty careless of me to lose £500,000 overnight. The club doesn't have any outstanding loans or rents, so unless we're chartering private jets to away games in Croydon I'm stumped.

Thanks for the suggestions!