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#803134 Instant result with no attributes?
Hi is there a skin with instant result and without attributes?
#802560 Any advice?
Hi originally played with GYR master of puppets and had initial success but in 2nd season it faltered. Have made this tactic based upon original but with two seasons of tweaks using data hub. I have finished last 2 seasons in Gibraltor league 2nd and 3rd and been competitive and this year i am competing for title but will likely end up 2nd or 3rd,. Any advice so i can take the league?
#794352 SS' kits Technical Help Thread
SO…i purchased the game from EPIC for free and installed game on E:/ the game folders do not sit under the sports interactive folder as they would on the C drive but individually e.g. tactics, editor data, graphics all seperate. The game is set in preference to use E drive to find fines. I placed a facepack into the graphics folder under faces and the stone logo pack as it extracted into the graphics folder, both of these are recognized and loaded without isse into the game. KITS…i have tried to load a number of packs to the game without success, i have placed tried each seperately placing them under kits in the graphic folder and placing any editor data into its respective folder. I have renamed config files as suggested above, i have placed the kits into the graphics folder straight from extraction, i have only copied and pasted the kits from extraction into the kit file. NOTHING I DO WORKS. I have done this with different kit packs, deleting the previous tried before trying again, no change. I have even placed the kits into a graphics file in the sports illustrated fm2024 folder on c drive but nothing works. I know it is not important in the grand scheme of things but this does my head in as supposedly it is simply a matter of putting files in graphic folder and unticking cache and ticking reload. Every edition though nothing goes smoothly. PLEASE HELP
#737698 Never beaten an ELITE team
I have been manager of Duisburg for the past 10 seasons, playing in the Bundesliga for the past 6. Highest finishing position 4th. Used many different tactics all with success currently using Knaps beowulf and rocksteady tactics and doing well in league and europe. BUT in all these years i have Never beaten an ELITE team..Bayern, PSG..any premier league team..Barcelona.
Any help on tweaks i can make that will help me. The tacgics i use can beat Dortmund, Sporting, Ajax etc but never the Elite.
#734765 JosephVY 3-5-2 AMC STyLe
3 games 3 wins so far, at end of season playing crunch games, impressive so far
#725926 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
I cant thank you enough for the help, i downloaded the updates and have been able to get the logos i wanted. Your a star
#725876 Steel Logos for FM23 by FMG - Nearly 84,000 Logos
Hi im trying to get the logo for Wakefield AFC, im playing the level 10 English leagues database, i know the stone logos has it under Wakefield but when i changed name to the teams unique ID nothing happened when reloading skin. Id love it if someone could send me it or link it for me.
#647978 England - English Leagues Level 7-10 3D'2020/21 by bolid74 Relink! (31/03/21)
hi donwloaded your kits and working brilliantly…the team im playing with though, coventry united, are not showing up with a kit. Has it been included?
#551590 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting