blackensign - Comments

#335129 Advanced Editor Help
13 years ago
4 years ago
I’ve been playing with the Advanced Editor for a while now. I have a couple of questions for the pros:

The league I’m working on has strict squad registration rules. As the clubs are regional it is quite common for the bigger clubs to have multiple teams. It is totally feasible for the B Team to be in the same division as the Main Team as the players will have to be registered to one or the other.
At the moment the game does not allow a B Team to be promoted into the same division as the main team. After a few hours scratching my head the only solution I can think of is to re-create the B Teams as separate clubs, then set B Team as a club affiliation. Can someone please confirm if this is correct before I invest the time into re-making every club? If set up like this will the Manager still be able to hire/fire players and coaches from the B Team or will it be run by another manager?

The second question I have is that the top division in New Zealand works similar to the A-League in Australia. Teams are not promoted or relegated so much as they are registered for the competition. If the organisers think a team would be competitive they will be invited to register and the number of teams in the competition can increase. Alternatively, if a team is not competitive they might not have their registration renewed. I’d like to know your opinion on the best way to simulate this in game?