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#794911 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
Rod Fuser
Your folder works! Huge thanks for your help and your time @mons 🤗
#794875 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
Rod Fuser
Thanks a lot but I don't understand why the good old FM15 SS kits don't work, it should work 🤨
#794870 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
Rod Fuser
Hi, I'm looking for a solution for my FM15 :
After solving the problem for the faces, I would like to find a solution for the SS kits too, whose display does not work well :
(I don't have the real kits display but it looks like that too, the game recognizes the kits with IDs but it's pretty ugly & blurred)
I tried the last 2024 kits and also the 2015 kits but the problem is the same, I can't have proper kits in game.
(Kits are in the good folder and loaded with the proper way, got the TCM logos & Cut out 2021 version)
Do you know where is the problem ?
#794868 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Rod Fuser
Worked perfectly, thanks a lot @mons 😇
#794745 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Rod Fuser
Got it thanks. I'll try the FM21 pack tomorrow if there're still active seeds.
#794725 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Rod Fuser
Thanks @mons but I've installed it properly.
I have the same problem with my SS kits, imported in game but not ‘good looking’ whereas in the same time the TCM logos work perfectly…
I don't understand.
#794687 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Rod Fuser
Hi guys, I reinstalled FM15 and tried to put the cutout faces (2024 megapack edition) but it doesn't work properly...
Do you have an idea where the problem is? (and can it be solved?)
IDs are similar and code ligns in the config.xml too (I checked older config files). The game seems to recognize the faces but the interface is broken.
Maybe the sizes of the faces?
Thanks !