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#816366 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Hi, is anyone working on kits for the Dutch leagues?
#795351 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
In that case, where can one submit requests for official kits, since one cannot ask for them here, and in the inquiry thread it is forbidden to ask for official kits, only about fictional?
#785589 Greece - Greek Football League SS'2018/19 New! (17/11/18)
I didn't find a good topic for kit requests, so I'll try here. Does anyone have the Greek Super League kits for the 23/24 season?
#779960 Invisible kit on the match screen
I noticed some strange issue. In the team profile I can see all kinds of kits but on the match screen the SS kit is invisible. Is it any problem with config file or is it some different issue?
#765267 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Thank you, it works ๐
#765213 Any other matters - related to Cut Outs but not to any particular thread
Ok, but in the described case I don't know the ID numbers of these people, so I can't use fmXML. I'm talking about the config file from Regen UID Finder.
#765112 Official FM24 Patch 24.2 Released
Yeah, that sounds even better
#765052 Any other matters - related to Cut Outs but not to any particular thread
Recently I tried to play around with photos of generated colleagues (personal assistant, press officer, etc.). I used Regen UID and basically managed to change their photos. The problem, however, is that the config file is so huge and it takes a very long time to load the skin. I would like to edit the config file using Notepad or better yet Notepad++, but I'm not sure if there is an option I need.
Assuming that according to Regen UID my co-workers match photos e.g. 137, 163 and 177, I would like to cut out all lines from the config file that contain only these values and no others. I know how to find and possibly replace these values, but I don't know how to select entire lines to be extracted based on the numbers found above.
I hope I described the topic clearly enough and this is an option that can be implemented to make the config file take up much less space.
Thanks for your help ๐
Sorry if I posted in the wrong topic ๐
#765010 Official FM24 Patch 24.2 Released
Open config file by a Notepad, use the shortcut CTRL+H and type in the first search box: /2000 and in the second one to be replaced: /r-2000
When it replaces all the lines, do it again just type /2001, then /2002 and /2003
#764914 Official FM24 Patch 24.2 Released
Open in notebook. Use the find and replace option
For example
Replace all to:
#764874 Official FM24 Patch 24.2 Released
I'll try it. Thanks ๐
#764867 Official FM24 Patch 24.2 Released
At this point I would like to ask a question. How to read the ID numbers of the employees you mentioned?
#764717 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
As someone preferes. This wasn't the case in previous versions and it played well.
#764711 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
I'm not sure if the issue was discussed. Is it possible to change the view during the match so that the team name bar is one color without a gradient?
#757922 FM NewGAN Faces V1
If I have generated new faces for newgens, when new ones appear and I want to assign photos to them, will the players who had photos before have the same ones or will different ones be generated?
#757798 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Hi ๐
Any chance for a light version? ๐
#757461 New Submission system for SS' Kits
For example, in the โConfigโ file included in pack 2024.02, the line of the Wisla Krakow (Poland, ID 1300881) appears 34 times.
I discovered this when I tried to remove the third kit from the 'Config' file for this team. ๐
#757456 New Submission system for SS' Kits
Yes, exactly that. After downloading and unpacking all parts of the megapack, there are repeated lines in the 'config' file.
#757430 New Submission system for SS' Kits
Is there a collective 'config' file somewhere for all kits that doesn't duplicate previous files? For example, one team's kits are repeated several times in the config file.
#737205 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Hi, could you make Galatasaray's 22/23 kis?
Thanks a lot ๐
Edit: The second shirt is with a sponsor logo, I just found one without it
#699889 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Please make BJK 22/23 kits ๐
#688805 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
Hi. What is the main font of this skin in the โFontโ folder? I mean the font in the compositions, tables and messages in the mailbox. I'd like to replace it but there are a lot of different fonts, I'm not sure which is correct.
#673136 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Perfect. Thank you ๐
#673077 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Dudok, looks so great but can you change that green shade from the third kit to darker one like in the first?
#672880 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Hi! Could someone make the following hits?
Sporting Lisbon
technical sponsor: Nike
sponsor on the kit: betano
the colors:
home: classic white and green
away: black
third: white
made with any template
Thanks ๐
#647156 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Do any of you have PSG or Lyon 2022 kits?
#647114 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
So great! Thanks
#647090 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Hello ๐
Please make fantasy kits for Arka Gdynia.
Home: yellow kit
Away: blue kit
Sponsor: Lotos
Template: any from New Balance
#644344 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Hi! ๐
Please make these kits:
#643897 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Can you make it? ๐