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#306603 FM 2016 FLUT skin - Dark Version v2.3
Hi Flute
Thanks for the reply.
On my screenshot there is a gap next the shirt name and number, should the competition logo be there or the players national logo. I have neither.
When the animation runs the next three icons also has a gap will making the national logo smaller make it go up to the top?
Many Thanks
#306446 FM 2016 FLUT skin - Dark Version v2.3
I really like your skin but I am still having issues with the national logo on the player overview.
I've been playing about with the code below, specifically the parts highlighted;
<container width="165" height="165" alignment="left,centre_y">
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="0"/>
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="bottom" inset="0"/>
<widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="pnat" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" image_alignment="centre">
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="15"/>
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0"/>
<record id="widget_properties">
<flags id="alignment" value="centre"/>
<record id="widget_info">
<symbol id="class" value="client_object_logo_picture"/>
<flags id="image_alignment" value="centre"/>
<boolean id="scale_picture" value="true"/>
<boolean id="keep_aspect_ratio" value="true"/>
<record id="object_property">
<integer id="get_property" value="PNat"/>
But all it seems to do is move the logo up and down in the area that its already in when I want it where the club logo and shirt name/number is as you can see in my attachment.
Do I need to stop the animation first before I can add the logo to the area above?
Please can you let me know what values to change?
Once again great skin and thanks for your hard work.
Many Thanks