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#731537 Football Manager 2009 - Kits Display
They probably were not happy with this experimental feature. The 2D model was the same for all kits, so maybe they thought it was not adequate to correctly replicate kit collar variations or something like that. I'm just speculating.
Since the next version (FM 2010) they reverted back to 2D separate kits images.
#731534 Football Manager 2009 - Kits Display
FM 2009 used to create 2D kits from the 3D texture, so that's the reason why you see that grey box in the background: it's an automatic viewer.
If you want to use custom 2d kits you have to download the archive I attached and extract the xml within into the “panels” folder in your "…\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2009”.
If the “panels” folder is not already inside that path, you have to create it.
#707324 England - English League Level 1-6 SS'22/23 Relink! (04/03/23)
We have to wait for the full game release on November 8th in order to validate the kit colours fix file in the FM23 editor and then load it properly in game.
#707318 England - English League Level 1-6 3D'22/23 Relink! (19/03/23)
It is not mandatory, but you can compare bolid's kits and the default SI ones to get the answer.
Kits for the missing lower leagues will be added in the coming weeks.
#706391 3D Kits Template Thread for FM20/21/22/23 only
Do you think there's a chance to import this badges' coding in FM20-21-22?
If only the kit specific competition option in the editor worked like intended we could set and create two sets of kits: a domestic version and an european version with a different set of sponsors if needed.
#703022 🏆 sortitoutsi Trophy Pack - FM24 Update 2025.03 Released [15/02/2025]
Thank you.
Is it just me or has the cut out pictures been stretched a bit?
Isthmian League North Division - 30004922
#702964 🏆 sortitoutsi Trophy Pack - FM24 Update 2025.03 Released [15/02/2025]
Southern League Division One Central - 5111905
Do you think the image I posted is a better source than the one used for the trophy in the pack? The source I found shows the trophy slightly tilted backwards, but it has no camera light reflections and the words “Midland Division Winners” are very clear.
#683872 🏆 sortitoutsi Trophy Pack - FM24 Update 2025.03 Released [15/02/2025]
Two better sources for the Papa John's Trophy (1301429).
One with the sponsor ribbons and the other with white generic ones. Any chance to cut both?
Thank you.
#663482 Looking for the licensing and real name fix for FM 2010
here it is the file you requested for FM 2010: https://www.mediafire.com/file/jjyzf2ozng0/lnc.zip/file
#663078 Portugal - Liga Bwin 3D'21/22 Updated! (21/12/21)
FIFA 22 kits (shirts at 1024px, shorts at 512px)
#662228 [FM22] Italy - Serie BKT Standard 2021-2022
@wfm18 have you checked Serie C kits FMIF released, too? If so, do you think they need extensive placement fixes like you did with Serie B kits?
#661809 DVX Logos for FM24 | 24v3 Update | 28.02.2025
Hi ducc, just my two cents here, but since your pack was designed specifically to be “high definition compliant" with your 2x sizes for nomal logos too, I'd vote for an increase in logos size to at least 512px. Sure this year pack it would be also a good starting point for the next FM editions.
Just my opinion, obviously.
#633513 Italy - Serie A 3D'2020/21 for FM20/21 Relink! (05/05/21)
Thank you @priority76.
Just a small note: you inverted badges position on the sleeves (Serie A badge should be on the right, sponsor on the left).
#633400 Italy - Serie A 3D'2020/21 for FM20/21 Relink! (05/05/21)
Roma away kit is in the old FM 18/19 3D format. Is it possible to remade or update this kit?
#633083 England - English Leagues Level 1-6 3D'2020/21 for FM20/21 Relink! (30/04/21)
The infamous Wealdstone Raider!
#632550 Serbia - Full Leagues SS'2020/21 by Baja Relink! (26/04/21)
@Baja any chance to update this pack with kits in Hi-Res (414x414)?
#632252 Schweigi's Standard Logos
@schweigi are you planning to add a @2x resolution for small logos in your pack?
#632038 Technical Support Thread for Standard Kits
@siborg made 3D version of Andorra kits:
#631849 Turkey - Super Lig SS'2020/21 Relink! (05/01/21)
Any chance to release a Hi-Res version of this pack?
#631848 Cyprus - League 1 SS'2020/21 Relink! (13/01/21)
@dimitrisnic any chance to release a Hi-Res version of this pack?
#630204 Spain - LaLiga Smartbank 3D'2020/21 (10/04/21)
Only Oviedo, both home and away kits.
@hammer9 mark this info, so you can update your SSKCC file for Spanish leagues.
#629202 🏆 sortitoutsi Trophy Pack - FM24 Update 2025.03 Released [15/02/2025]
Northern Premier League Challenge Cup (2000020346)
#626961 Spain - Segunda B G1-5 SS'2020/21 Relink! (21/05/22)
I saw that a full Tercera kitspack has been made, but it's available behind a paywall. Why did you choose this path, @Shooto?
Kits have always been free of charge, so I don't understand this policy change. You can always share your paypal address and invite people to donate to keep you motivated for all the efforts you put on your creations, but requesting money to release kitpacks seems a bit unfair in my opinion.
#622694 Site issues - reporting thread
Have you ever considered to implement a dark theme on the website? Maybe a switch button to change it.
The white background is disturbing sometimes.
#621660 Technical Support Thread for Standard Kits
Full Serie C 3d pack is here: https://football-manager.forumcommunity.net/m/?t=61902255
You can find also all 9 Serie D groups 3d kits here: https://football-manager.forumcommunity.net/m/?t=62013616
Credits to FCL and football-manager forum community Italian forum.
#621061 sortitoutsi 3D Match Balls Pack
You can check the balls by using 3D Kits Viewer: https://sortitoutsi.net/content/57284/fm21-3d-kits-viewer
From what I understood testing default ball made by Sports Interactive, ball texture consists of 2 images:
I don't know if I made clear what I wrote. Anyway, you can test the texture accuracy by yourself by observing the ball in the 3D model viewer.
#619494 Italy - Serie A 3D'2020/21 for FM20/21 Relink! (05/05/21)
The kit was used against AC Milan. Here is a photo gallery of the match: https://www.sampdoria.it/en/sampdoria-v-milan-gallery/
#619493 Vincechup Skin FM 21 V1.1
@Vince957 thank you for the skin.
I really like this more streamlined version of your work. May it be possible to add an in-game instant result button like the one already available in your Pro skin?
Thank you.
#619024 Italy - Serie A 3D'2020/21 for FM20/21 Relink! (05/05/21)
Any chance to add Sampdoria 120th anniversary kit to the pack?
And what about the SS version?
#618106 [TEMPLATE] FM21/FM22 3D to 2D project
What model did you extract and use for your 3D Kits viewer? High or medium?
Maybe the low poly quality depends on the model extracted in the event that you used the medium quality model.
I'm just guessing.