olabj Activity
By Ivs 22 April 2021 - 20:29 PM UTC @siborg made 3D version of Andorra kits:HomeShow SpoilerAwa...
Hi @wfm18, absolutely love your work! Any chance I could get you to create the kits of FC Andorra fo...
Fair enough, thanks a lot for the answer. The problem can be circumvented by ticking the add players to playable teams button when starting a career so it is doable without having to go in and manually add enough players yourself with the editor. So there...
Not sure how likely it is to get an answer to this since it's been half a year since anyone was in here but I'll give it a shot anyway... Could this change while mid-save? If i.e Andorra or a random Oceania country (as this is where I like to...