xdbrenner - Comments

#98207 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
12 years ago
9 months ago
Thank you man! It's still way better than I could have done!!!!
#97674 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
12 years ago
9 months ago
Can someone please make me a logo for my own club A.C. Pizzo?

I would like to see the name of the club and the nickname 'gli Pescatori' in the logo
btw the club colors are red and dark blue.
It would be great if you can post the small, normal and background version

Much thanks

please? It doesn't have to be very fancy, I just need something that isn't very ugly
#97157 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
12 years ago
9 months ago
Can someone please make me a logo for my own club A.C. Pizzo?

I would like to see the name of the club and the nickname 'gli Pescatori' in the logo
btw the club colors are red and dark blue.
It would be great if you can post the small, normal and background version

Much thanks