FM24 Real Name Fix
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FM24 New Leagues
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FM24/25 Update Wonderkids
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FM24/25 Update Club Budgets
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Fantasy Football
#611511 DOG SKIN
Barry Proctor
#571850 Reload skin option not showing
Barry Proctor
#298992 League Expansion Help
Barry Proctor
#297850 League Expansion Help
Barry Proctor
Thank you very much would appreciate it if you took a look at it over the weekend and correct the issues I am having.
Thank you
#297573 League Expansion Help
Barry Proctor
I was wondering if anyone could take a look at my league expansion as I am having difficulties in getting it up and running as I need to add leagues as a child league to its parent leagues and don't know how to do it. If anyone could manage to correct the issues I would appreciate it.
Thank you
#232997 Editor Welsh lower help.
Barry Proctor
Thank you.
#224023 Mr Ched Evans
Barry Proctor
Ok thanks for the information will base it on yours and go from there thank you.
#223925 Mr Ched Evans
Barry Proctor
I sure do and I would but I want to reflect his true ability and I haven't got the information to hand to make it as accurate as possible.
#223915 Mr Ched Evans
Barry Proctor
#221801 Match Overview Kits
Barry Proctor
I would like to know how you have kits in that image of the match overview aswell and what skin are you using?
#218547 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
Barry Proctor
Sorry I don't get what you mean by seeing your signature?
#215836 SS' kits Technical Support Thread
Barry Proctor
#214763 Kit display on match day help
Barry Proctor
Thank you
#213300 Database Query
Barry Proctor
Ok thank you, if a database is made for lower league structure in Welsh league on the FM2015 editor could I merge the database I have from FM2014 to carry over the club and players I have created?
#213136 Database Query
Barry Proctor
Ok asking as I have spent considerable time creating my local team with all the players and don't want to start all over again.
#213133 Database Query
Barry Proctor
Thank you
#207681 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
Barry Proctor
I have re-attached the image as png and also psd format, would be greatful if you could smarten the logo as you see best and size it as normal, small, left and right.
#207571 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
Barry Proctor
Thank you
#204262 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Barry Proctor
Thank you for that, yeah I will do in future.
#204224 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Barry Proctor
Thank you
#126474 Wales - Welsh Cymru Alliance SS'2013/14 New! (02/12/13)
Barry Proctor
Excellent keep me posted!
#126340 Wales - Welsh Cymru Alliance SS'2013/14 New! (02/12/13)
Barry Proctor
#125491 Request a cutout of your own image for the manager avatar
Barry Proctor
Thanks for that mate.
#125369 Request a cutout of your own image for the manager avatar
Barry Proctor
#31382 Rick's Welsh Expansion
Barry Proctor
#18438 Rick's custom data request thread
Barry Proctor
#17457 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
Barry Proctor
#17453 Rick's custom data request thread
Barry Proctor
#17449 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Barry Proctor
#16583 Game Freezing
Barry Proctor