Matt Neil - Comments

#710558 James Parr
Matt Neil
11 years ago
5 hours ago
By mons 07 November 2022 - 18:04 PM UTC 

I'll be sure to replace him in the next update pack 👍


The current image is actually of Adam James Parr, so I can see how the mistake was initially made.


P.S. If you spot anything else similar to this, I would suggest tagging me so that I am aware and make the necessary changes. The forum moves so quickly a post like this might very easily get missed otherwise 😉


P.P.S. Consider uploading a new image of yourself and I'll see it gets added to the megapack. The current one is all of 6 years old now 😉


Thank you, will do in future!

I've only got one from a few years ago but will add a request now, can't keep looking at that photo in game!

#710476 James Parr
Matt Neil
11 years ago
5 hours ago

No idea who the person in the image is but it's not him. This is him:

#403786 Matt Neil
Matt Neil
11 years ago
5 hours ago
Definitely did a double take when I saw the requester's name

#354215 Any other matters - related to Cut Outs but not to any particular thread
Matt Neil
11 years ago
5 hours ago
Attempted to use the request section but it was too large to upload so I've provided a link instead. Provided a WeTransfer link for hi-res images of Plymouth Argyle players and staff from phooshoots.
#288696 Megapack - Improvement Image request thread - NEW RULES IN OP
Matt Neil
11 years ago
5 hours ago
Player Name: Matt Neil

Player ID: 29107294

Link: Link to picture

Existing Images: Search results for: 29107294

Baja Edit - Image has been cut.