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#543049 FM2020 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v2.3 for FM20.4.1 [released on 28/04/2020]
OK that's why, I'm just applying it now. Guess I'll have Zebre then
#542976 FM2020 Licensing and Real Name Fix File v2.3 for FM20.4.1 [released on 28/04/2020]
#320375 Problem: my reserve is no longer playing any competition games
#320353 Problem: my reserve is no longer playing any competition games
Isn't there anything that can be done using the editor ?
#319203 Problem: my reserve is no longer playing any competition games
My season is only in december so far so it'll be some time before I can test the end of season reload option (saving just before end of season and reloading until my u21 gets promoted back). I don't se any other option.
#318542 Problem: my reserve is no longer playing any competition games
#318394 Problem: my reserve is no longer playing any competition games
I can't seem to find any solution to my problem on the internet but maybe someone here had the same issue.
I'm playing Nantes in the french Ligue 1. First season my reserve (the equivalent to the english u21 I guess) was playing in 4th division (that is the normal thing). But they got relegated and since then, they no longer play any games, unless I plan (or have planned) friendlies. So my young players or recovering players have a hard time being match fit, and I don't even talk about improving.
So I think that they no longer play because there's no 5th division in FM 16. But as they don't play, there's no chance they get promoted in 4th division !
Do I have a way to correct that ? I even bought the in-game editor but no luck apparently.
#112252 Funny scout bug in FM14 (but annoying too)
I've just had a very funny bug in FM14.
I've offered a contract to a staff member from another club. When he said yes, I had teh usual message stating his role in my team, the wages, etc... At that point I noticed that I had offered him a role that was incorrect (I wanted a scout an I asked him to be a sports manager, sorry don't know the name in english). So I clicked on cancel and re-offered him a scout job. He agreed to it. Now the guy sends me reports but is still a staff member of his old team (Vicenza). I can't tell him what to do, I can't fire him nor I can change his contract terms. But like I said, he scouts for me.
#96991 Steklo X3 v1.2
I'm back to play FM 2013 after a few months of break but it looks like the skin is no longer working.
My FM version is 13,3,2,35.....
Is there something I need to do ?
I can't even find the "reload skin" option.
#55610 Steklo X3 v1.2
Do I have a way to change it then ?
#54878 Steklo X3 v1.2
Any way to have the flag of the country instead of the federation logo in the player's profile ?
#52184 Scout reports
And it's still not what I'm asking
I'll try to be more clear this time:
When you go in the "observation" tab (press F7), you get the list of all your scouts, your world rating (like 45% , Africa 30%, Europe 85%, etc..) and a list of all the areas your scouts are currently covering.
When you click on one of the scouts, you get his list of reports.
What I would like is to have the players reported by all the scouts in the same list, instead of having to browse through all the scouts.
Scout A has 5 reports (A1, A2, ..., A5)
Scout B has 3 reports (B1, B2, B3)
Scout C has 4 reports (C1, C2, C3, C4)
I'd like to know if there's a screen somewhere that shows A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, B2, B3, C1, C2, C3 and C4.
Apparently not
#52048 Scout reports
Thanks for the answer. However, even though it's been useful (as I never noticed that option before) it's not what I asked
What I'd like to do is see all the players in all my scouts reports at the same time.
#52022 Scout reports
Is it possible to see all scout reports at once ? I find it really painful to browse through all my scouts when I'm in search of a specific player.
#51935 Show Your Newgens
#51933 Press Conferences
Not sure it's the proper place to post that but:
Is there any way to enhance (add more) the questions and answers you get in a pres conference. After a few seasons I get tired of all the "I don't know that guy" and "He deserves all the praise" and similar stuff...
#51916 Steklo X3 v1.2
In the player profile, is it possible to see the flag and name of his country instead of his federation logo ?
#33800 Steklo X3 v1.2
From what I've understood (I had the same "issue"
Not sure I'm very clear
#31519 Facepacks Release thread - NO REQUESTS
Just a quick question:
If I make a cut out face for a player (let's say one I've just bought) and it is released later in one of the packs here. Which image will be used ?
#27396 Steklo X3 v1.2
Do you know if it's fully playable in the regular career mode ?
#27213 Steklo X3 v1.2
Wonderful skin you made her, great great job
Just a quick question: are there any issues if I want to use the FMC skin while playing the regular career mode ? (like infos missing, etc...).
#26309 Default Skin colors
Thanks for the answer
#25215 Default Skin colors
I don't really like the player's attributes default colors so I've changed them in the preferences.
However, each time I reload the skin (when I add player faces found here for example :p) all my changes vanishes.
My question is: where is located the default settings.xml file so I can modify those bloody colors once and for all ?
#20989 Facepacks Release thread - NO REQUESTS
FC Nantes 2012-2013