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#698851 Combining Data Updates
Gotcha. Thanks!
#698832 Combining Data Updates
Hi all, apologies if this is in the wrong place or has been answered somewhere.
I download both the FM22 Real Fixtures and Results by Nokey and the Football Manager Data Update a couple of months ago as my first foray into data updates outside of the name fixes, etc. When I loaded up the game, everything was good and played for a good few seasons.
I decided to download the new data update and start over with the most recent updates for Norwich, but now whenever I start a game the loan players all have their loans expire right at the start of the save. In the previous save all the loans were automatically extended to coincide with the season we were in - for example, Isaac Hayden stayed on loan for the 22/23 season on the original save, but leaves right away in the new game, at the end of the 21 /22 season.
My question is: is this to do with the latest data update, or is there a certain way I need to be loading the editor files to get the loans to be accurate?
#614789 TCS skin FM21 v.1