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#547433 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
It’s perfect now! Thank you so much
#546230 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
The name is Maienfeld F.C.
Year: 2020
Country: Switzerland
The logo should be round shape with the main logo inside
Like this alps: https://images.app.goo.gl/bMqdsrfz2fQe1QUM7
With the club name and the year written.
In the same round it should include this Heidi logo
https://images.app.goo.gl/Bis7Q5wt6HgPT9tw9 (Will be the main sponsor)
And the edelweiss flower logo
Choosing the colours, positioning and shapes is up to you, remembering is Swiss alpine club
Thank you so much
#516831 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
Hello everybody! I'm creating a new nation, named Repubblica di Brescia (Republic of Brescia), with leagues and cups and I will need your help for some logos:
I will need the logo for 2 teams, named Real Brescia and Atletico Brescia. Real Brescia logo should be something using this image: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Brescia-Stemma.svg , the year of the club it's 2017 and Atletico Brescia logo should be something using this image: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brescia#/media/File:Blason_ville_fr_Brescia-Empire.svg
And the I will need the logos for the leagues and cups, it could be the same image for every league, adding the name of the competition and the main sponsor.
the main image should be round, and with something of the real Brescia logo image (using the lion)
the name of the leagues are:
Lega A Bresciana Italmark (logo main sponsor: https://images.app.goo.gl/qCL698zgkopowDoN7 )
Lega B Bresciana Bialetti (logo main sponsor: https://images.app.goo.gl/ZMMgkUKFWKU8Xkak8 )
Lega C Bresciana Cameo (logo main sponsor: https://images.app.goo.gl/Mwf2xDsaAu63BqbB7 )
Lega D Bresciana Brescialat (logo main sponsor: https://images.app.goo.gl/ih87B9wd7QBWdmLJ9 )
Lega della Promozione (no main sponsor)
Lega della Cascina (for this one the image should contains like football ball putted somewhere in a farmhouse like this image: https://images.app.goo.gl/9D9ehnFggdUUB2yT6 )
the cups are: (just use the same image for the leagues and add the name of the cup:
Coppa Bresciana
Supercoppa Bresciana
Coppa dei Vincitori
And last I will need the logo for the Confederation named Federazione Calcio Bresciano (F.C.B.) should be round, year of foundation 2016, should contains this logo : https://images.app.goo.gl/w5Tt2UjJgzugkvfM8 eliminating the Brescia Calcio name , the years and putting the name Federazione Calcio Bresciano (F.C.B.) instead.
I hope it's not a lot of work, the I can share the file of the nation I created
Thanks in advance
#506086 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
Ils amazing! Thank You so much, waiting for the others logos, thanks again
#505400 Standard Fantasy/Request Logo only (NO PACKS) Thread
I will need the logo for 2 teams, named Real Brescia and Atletico Brescia. Real Brescia logo should be something using this image: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Brescia-Stemma.svg , the year of the club it's 2017 and Atletico Brescia logo should be something using this image: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brescia#/media/File:Blason_ville_fr_Brescia-Empire.svg
And the I will need the logos for the leagues and cups, it could be the same image for every league, adding the name of the competition and the main sponsor.
the main image should be round, and with something of the real Brescia logo image (using the lion)
the name of the leagues are:
Lega A Bresciana Italmark (logo main sponsor: https://images.app.goo.gl/qCL698zgkopowDoN7 )
Lega B Bresciana Bialetti (logo main sponsor: https://images.app.goo.gl/ZMMgkUKFWKU8Xkak8 )
Lega C Bresciana Cameo (logo main sponsor: https://images.app.goo.gl/Mwf2xDsaAu63BqbB7 )
Lega D Bresciana Brescialat (logo main sponsor: https://images.app.goo.gl/ih87B9wd7QBWdmLJ9 )
Lega della Promozione (no main sponsor)
Lega della Cascina (for this one the image should contains like football ball putted somewhere in a farmhouse like this image: https://images.app.goo.gl/9D9ehnFggdUUB2yT6 )
the cups are: (just use the same image for the leagues and add the name of the cup:
Coppa Bresciana
Supercoppa Bresciana
Coppa dei Vincitori
And last I will need the logo for the Confederation named Federazione Calcio Bresciano (F.C.B.) should be round, year of foundation 2016, should contains this logo : https://images.app.goo.gl/w5Tt2UjJgzugkvfM8 eliminating the Brescia Calcio name , the years and putting the name Federazione Calcio Bresciano (F.C.B.) instead.
I hope it's not a lot of work, the I can share the file of the nation I created
Thanks in advance