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#617937 How to add new images to your megapack
Thanks, it works!
#617134 How to add new images to your megapack
No, still nothing. I think the filename may be missing a 0 there though (I tried with the extra 0 and without, same result).
#616789 How to add new images to your megapack
#616755 How to add new images to your megapack
#616567 How to add new images to your megapack
Preferences have been like that since I installed the megapack, so didn't change anything.
The folder is in
\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\graphics\extrafaces
#616535 How to add new images to your megapack
Thanks, but that is the thing - I didn't change the config file, this is how fmXML generated it so I have no idea where those other IDs the config file was pointing to were coming from either. Once it didn't work, and I started checking what could be the issue, I actually made the same changes you just did, but it still didn't work.
I now tried with what you sent, but still no joy.
#616480 How to add new images to your megapack
#616315 How to add new images to your megapack
I uploaded them here
I made the UIDs visible in the GUI and took them from there.
#616282 How to add new images to your megapack
I'm using the Megapack and it works perfectly - as it always has, but there are two additonal players I'd like to add photos for. I named the files [uniqeID].png, placed them within the graphics folder (created a new folder for these two), generated the config.xml using fmXML and have it in the same folder as the photos, but I can't make the photos appear in the game (cache is turned off).
I checked the XML and it seemed odd that while the megapack is using a format where these codes are the same
<record from="1000042" to="graphics/pictures/person/1000042/portrait"/>
my fmXML-generated config file had a line like this
<record from="2000032797" to="graphics/pictures/person/2820163613/portrait"/>
So I was thinking of manually updating "graphics/pictures/person/2820163613/portrait"/> to match the unique ID, but still no joy.
Then I was thinking maybe there was something wrong with my photos, so even tried taking two random pictures from the megapack and renamed them to my IDs (and copied them into my own folder), but those didn't appear either.
Any ideas what I may be missing?
#43671 Any other matters - related to Cut Outs but not to any particular thread