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#780221 FM24 English Lower Leagues Database
Mykal Ó Buachalla
how does this affect referee's? we just dont have any at lower levels? or the game will make them
#765355 Worldwide Stadium Improvements FM24 edition
Mykal Ó Buachalla
simatchviewer gets overwrote when the game updates, so you have to follow the initial instructions again and re-apply it.
I'm using both files, stadium fix doesn't need re-applied as that bakes into your save
#765105 Worldwide Stadium Improvements FM24 edition
Mykal Ó Buachalla
I'm right in thinking the simatchviewer file needs ta be applied after the game update?
#761650 Worldwide Stadium Improvements FM24 edition
Mykal Ó Buachalla
Sound pack replaces simatch.fmf and simatchviewer-pc.fmf, so wont affect it by also using this
#759989 3D Kits Sleeve Patches Megapack 2022-2023 for FM23 Update! (01/12/22)
Mykal Ó Buachalla
Nah, then i got make new kits every season, I can wait
#759923 England Levels 1-10 FM24
Mykal Ó Buachalla
Yeah, my bad, still had my Sheffield FC file loading in which i had moved them ta the vanarama while waiting on your excellent work. just ignore me, I'm stupid. hahaha
#759914 England Levels 1-10 FM24
Mykal Ó Buachalla
Sheffield F.C. are missing from Northern Premier League Division One East. did you move them to another league please, so I can find them.
OK just checked the database they are in the NPL Div 1 East. game didnt load them in though, not in the list when looking who to manage, hmmm
#759908 England Levels 1-10 FM24
Mykal Ó Buachalla
Selecting Scotland is viable option as a start date i believe
#759625 3D Kits Sleeve Patches Megapack 2022-2023 for FM23 Update! (01/12/22)
Mykal Ó Buachalla
Yeah playing my FM23 save in 24, just looks weird all those bare sleeves haha
#759468 3D Kits Sleeve Patches Megapack 2022-2023 for FM23 Update! (01/12/22)
Mykal Ó Buachalla
Yeah I read your post after I'd posted myself, now the question is, do we hold our breath while they fix it… hahaha, I'm not
#759439 3D Kits Sleeve Patches Megapack 2022-2023 for FM23 Update! (01/12/22)
Mykal Ó Buachalla
The exact reason I came here to look, none of mine are working, seems they over looked this
#738754 sortitoutsi 3D Match Balls Pack
Mykal Ó Buachalla
These 3 balls a beautiful Brother, match up perfectly, what league are they from? or just made them up completely
Mykal Ó Buachalla
OK, I'll try that, thankyou. I'm still using it anyway regardless just not launching the game through e-crowd… still brilliant as is
Mykal Ó Buachalla
the load game button only ever gives me the error above
Mykal Ó Buachalla
Mykal Ó Buachalla
Just purchased… Soooooooooo Good
#736341 FM23 English Lower League Database - Level 15
Mykal Ó Buachalla
looks to me like it says "Premier League" when i open this in the editor? was maybe changed with the new update?
#731988 Stadium Editor FM 23
Mykal Ó Buachalla
The stadium editor doesn't touch kits in any way at all, so you have something else going on
#731937 FM23 English Lower League Database - Level 15
Mykal Ó Buachalla
Yes actually their is
#731241 Stadium Editor FM 23
Mykal Ó Buachalla
This does still work for those who think it doesn't, what you have to do is replace it again after the update, then works as normal. Hope this helps
#728005 🏆 sortitoutsi Trophy Pack - FM24 Update 2025.03 Released [15/02/2025]
Mykal Ó Buachalla
#728004 🏆 sortitoutsi Trophy Pack - FM24 Update 2025.03 Released [15/02/2025]
Mykal Ó Buachalla
Irish Leinster Senior Cup… you have the Leinster Rugby schools cup instead of the actual football cup
#727788 sortitoutsi 3D Match Balls Pack
Mykal Ó Buachalla
This still works with FM23? please
#694834 [TEMPLATE] FM21/FM22 3D to 2D project
Mykal Ó Buachalla
What skin is this? please
#684443 FM22 England Lower Leagues to Level 14
Mykal Ó Buachalla
Yeah already downloaded it from steam bro & started my play through, thank you
#684246 FM22 England Lower Leagues to Level 14
Mykal Ó Buachalla
Steam upload is older than this one… and yet it's a newer version. thankyou Bro
#684187 FM22 England Lower Leagues to Level 14
Mykal Ó Buachalla
same, says 22.3 when I try activate it
#680680 FMG Standard Logo's
Mykal Ó Buachalla
Seems actually it opens up with 7-zip no problem even though the icon is clearly winzip, so problem solved, at least for me, maybe still look at that guys, to save on confusion
#680679 FMG Standard Logo's
Mykal Ó Buachalla
Twice I've downloaded this huge complete set of logo's, the bigger first file (not the updates) and twice its empty
Can someone please look into that
#680636 FM22 England Lower Leagues to Level 14
Mykal Ó Buachalla
Whats with the .unknown at the end of this? can I just delete that bit of the name?