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#524987 (FM20) Need Help: Is it Possible to Change Competition Stage Names During a Save?
Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to help me with this! I just replaced the file and it looks to work perfectly when starting a new save, as seen here!
Really weird why the author did that but I can only assume he was having a brainfart or something and just made the change without thinking
This really made my Saturday, hope you have a great one as well!
#524955 (FM20) Need Help: Is it Possible to Change Competition Stage Names During a Save?
I'll definitely be doing it for FM21 in that case although I'm afraid to mess about too much with my current files as they are
Zip file attached here!
#524947 (FM20) Need Help: Is it Possible to Change Competition Stage Names During a Save?
Haha, I do load in a lot of leagues for my saves but some of the files are unnecessary and never used, yeah As for real name fix I use fmscout's solution.
I'm looking at the Angleterre file right now and feel like I've checked everything although honestly I have zero experience using the editor so I might just be looking in all the wrong places. Worth noting that the stage name change has also applied to things like the Champion's League and all other competitions from what I can tell.
#524940 (FM20) Need Help: Is it Possible to Change Competition Stage Names During a Save?
I am, yes. I'm using quite a few files actually which I suppose just makes this harder, and it seems that most of the added league files are titled in French which leads me to assume that the author somehow left in the stage name change somewhere and forgot to change it.
Here's a screenshot.
#524936 (FM20) Need Help: Is it Possible to Change Competition Stage Names During a Save?
Sorry, I should have mentioned: I've tried using the in-game editor around competition screens to no effect, it says nothing about changing competition stage names.
So would there be no way of changing this even if I start a new save then? I'm still only in February of my first season so if I had to start over for this it wouldn't be too big a loss.
#524924 (FM20) Need Help: Is it Possible to Change Competition Stage Names During a Save?
Here's a screenshot to illustrate what I mean.
As you can see, the Fourth Round, Quarterfinal, and Semifinal names have been changed into another language. It's not a huge deal obviously, but for the sake of my own immersion these things matter a lot, and with all the problems I've had getting this save up and running to begin with, I'm just about at my wit's end. Any help would be greatly appreciated!