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#264284 FM2015 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.0 for FM15.3.0 [25/02/2015]
Eero Virkamäki
#264236 FM2015 Real Names and German National Team Fix File v2.0 for FM15.3.0 [25/02/2015]
Eero Virkamäki
I only just applied these fixes and for some reason they are only working in one of my two saves. Any idea why is that happening? Both saves were started before I applied these fixes.
#237968 Vitrex MMXV
Eero Virkamäki
Alright, thanks!
#237872 Vitrex MMXV
Eero Virkamäki
#236788 Steklo X5
Eero Virkamäki
probably a stupid question, but how can you actually edit the xml files (I want the instant result button)? Is there some program that you need to have to do this? Because now when I open a file, it opens in a browser and I can't edit anything there.