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#362887 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
The Miller
Excellent work. Surely some kind hearted individual with plenty of talent will put this in a pack with the config and ensure your excellent work is completed! I have every faith!
#362808 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
The Miller
Fantastic job! Many thanks for all your hard work!
#362172 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
The Miller
Top man! Thanks a lot for your efforts!
#362137 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
The Miller
Top man!! See, youve already started! You will get bored if you take a week off mate! Ha ha!
#362129 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
The Miller
Well done mate. Much appreciated by everyone! Vanarama conference? lol
#359536 SS 16-17 Download Pack update thread
The Miller
#332791 3d Manager
The Miller
Anyone got any ideas? Ive dne the whole cache clearing etc.
#330079 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
The Miller
Thats the way it should be done mate. Many thanks.
#329929 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
The Miller
excellent stuff!
any idea when you will get chance to do the new qpr crest done. Ive got a pestering son!
#329555 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
The Miller
This would be excellent if someone could oblige!
#315323 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
The Miller
#315321 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
The Miller
Well believe me, i go to every game invthe directors box and it's not! It's described as all navy in all our merchandising logs.
#315046 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
The Miller
Hi Hammer
It's not mate. It was an error on the website. My son has got and it's definitely blue mate.
#314983 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
The Miller
If anybody has the time, could you please look at the Rotherham Utd away shirt. In the pack it appears black. However, it is dark blue. It just needs adjusting. It is a dark blue but nowhere near black like it is in the pack.
Any help would be very much appreciated as ever.
Keep up the excellent work guys!
#174607 Teams in administration
The Miller
#174573 Teams in administration
The Miller
#171221 FM14 Transfers & Data Update Packs by_pr0
The Miller
#151753 Scorpio Omega
The Miller
This is great! What we could really do with is an xml file to give us logos instead of kits on the pop up when goals are scored, yellow cards etc.
#144544 Problem with Match incidents small
The Miller
I have tried to get logos on there but as yet no luck
i had a skin installed and it said 'comment out to use logos instead of kits' or something to that effect!]
#144525 Problem with Match incidents small
The Miller
Does this work with the small pop up when goals are scored, offsides, red & yellow cards etc?
I hate the kit coming up instead of the logo!
#144323 Logo instead of kit in Incident pop up
The Miller
No, I mean the small box that appears at the bottom of the screen during a game which informs you of a goal scored, red card, yellow card, offside etc. It shows the kit (or red card, yellow card, flag), the update (score etc) and a picture of the player involved.
In the config file it says something like "comment out to use club logo instead of shirt". I dont understand what it wants me to do to use the logo instead of the shirt.
Any help would be really appreciated.