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#772690 Sas Skin 24
Nicolas Yurchuk
it's always interesting to read instructions written by people who don't know what they're doing)) you just had to replace the word background with the word stadium in the existing file
#770892 Skinning - Location of "hidden" files
Nicolas Yurchuk
all panels and widgets locate in fmf archives in folder where you install game
#769668 FM24 Light Skin?
Nicolas Yurchuk
I don't understand why you have problems finding light skins. after SI stopped supporting light skins in 2020 or 2021, at least 1-2 light skin appear every year
e.g. FM24 Light
#741031 How to change inbox background?
Nicolas Yurchuk
this is file inbox item.xml, it currently uses classes main_contrast_box and inner_contrast_box_no_margin for containers. they are opaque.
the easiest way to achieve transparency is simply to use a fake appearance. for example like this class="inner_contrast_box_no_margin" appearance="fake/appearance/for/transparency"
#731390 Game pass/console version on PC Skins
Nicolas Yurchuk
I think by adding these 2 lines to the file skin_config.xml, you can try to use any skin
<boolean id="tablet_skin" value="true" />
<boolean id="fmc_skin" value="true" />
#613326 City Pictures Mega-Pack (Flut Skins)
Nicolas Yurchuk