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#246344 Scorpio v2.1 for FM 2015
Antonis Antilope
you know there is a reason behind that suggetion, when a player performs from 6.4 and downwards you can discipline him for a week and if he accepts it and apologize then his determination or workrate goes up a point
an other suggestion for the team overview: Include facilities in the main page or in a drop down panel selection (like starting 11) becauce i found my self frequently visiting that tab in order to select the best club to loan out my young stars or too chose the best affiliate club, that way you save some time and clicks
p.s there are not many ways to improve what is allready improved
#246099 Scorpio v2.1 for FM 2015
Antonis Antilope
Some things although can improve:
1) The color of move in the new preferred move section is unreadable in allmost every backround of your selector.
2) In the squad tab the already selected subs are not highlighted properly in the bar.
3) In the player profile and in the positional abilities tab you could add the preferred moves just down games played in possition.
4) In a match can you add a threshold is the matchday information panel with the players stats similar to the attributes (6.4 and downwards red, 6.4-6.9 white, 7.0 and upwards green)?
5) I personally watch the match in a full pitch screens and i use some matchday information panels, between highlights your panel is better now but its too wide in my opinion and it hides the matchday information panels.
again with or without these changes your skin rocks