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#433471 Purchasing FM2017
Alexa Nielsen
#283209 How do I contact?
Alexa Nielsen
#283207 How do I contact?
Alexa Nielsen
#172915 Level 12 English Database by FMN85
Alexa Nielsen
I am shocked that you would leave this kind of comment. If you would have stopped for a minute you might have realized all the time that is spent providing this for us. In fact you could have said "hey what information do you need, I'll find it for you" or "I have found some of the missing information for you." Why complain? Obviously you have no idea how much time this takes or that any of the people in here have real lives and work and/or have families and friends they like to be with. Or that they dont always want to spend all their free time to provide something really fun for us, especially when people like you complain.
How about you take the time to create a quality job? Then we'll see what kind of job you do and then criticize it because we feel it isn't complete.
You can be thankful that someone took the time to provide this for us and if it isn't the quality you want; then either don't use it or create it yourself!!~
I would like to thank everyone that takes the time to create anything that make any of the FM games more enjoyable. As for the whiners, please ignore their ignorance...