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#796722 Are 16 years old players included in the game?
I found that there is no Jack PORTER (16 yr, Arsenal U17 GK) inside FM24 who made his first start for Arsenal last night.
My FM24 data update is the latest. Is there any way to add him into the game?
Thank you,
#779207 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
That means I can not use FLUT Skin Dark 4.0 even I got the ingame editor in order to assign a specific Germany`s national stadium`s photo?
#779118 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Thank you for telling me that. I didn`t notice the fact that many national teams play their match in different stadiums..
That means I can assign a specific photo to replace the various national stadia by using the `Football Manager 2024 Editor (I don`'t have it yet..)?
#778762 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Thank you for your reply( ´∀`)
Fm24 got the licenses of Germany s Bundesliga (Bundesliga, 2. Bundesliga and Supercup), while only have some PL teams licenses of England. Just don't understand why they got England s one, but not Germany .,.(and many other national teams)
#778761 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
#778693 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Hi, it there is any chance that I can change the picture in the national team photo from `VARIOUS NATIONAL STADIA` to a specific stadium so that I can assign it a nice photo like England` s Wembley?
Thank you!
#777811 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
GOT IT! Thank you for solving this little issue! Small issue, but huge impact! Thank you( ´∀`)
#777677 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Regarding the removed 2kits in the players` panel, I found that those removed kits appear again after I reloaded skin in preferences.
I am sure that I ve already saved the amended xml file of `player without background`, those removed are not there anymore…
#777636 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Million THX!!! From Great to PREFECT now!!!! really thx!!!
#777555 FM 2024 FLUT skin dark - 4.0
Thank you for the great work! Great SKIN!!!
I just has one little issue.
If there is any chance to remove the kits (back and front) in the play panel. Those kits always block the players` face of the background photos…
Thank you.
#696007 Updated data`s Mistake? Transferred player - Lacazette still in Arsenal, shown as CAPTAIN...
Thank you for your advice.
I used 22.3 database becux Japan J League is not compatible with 22.4. I tried the latest database 22.4, but there `s nothing changed anyway, Laca still shown as Arsenal `s Captain…though I can find him already in Lyon` s squad.
May be a game bug that can not be fixed.
#695825 Updated data`s Mistake? Transferred player - Lacazette still in Arsenal, shown as CAPTAIN...
Could you tell me how to `
download just the XML for Laca
``??The XML file from the latest Data Update can not be selected as shown in the attached photo below.
#695804 Updated data`s Mistake? Transferred player - Lacazette still in Arsenal, shown as CAPTAIN...
Using the latest update with Jesus and Zinchenko in Arsenal squad, just don` t know why Lacazette still being shown as CAPTAIN in the Club Info. But what is weird is Laca is NO LONGER in Arsenal `s squad (Moved to Lyon` squad already).
#695797 How to start the 2nd half?
Got it, million thx. Found DRESSING ROOM! →Start 2nd Half
#695683 How to start the 2nd half?
How to start the 2nd half??? It took me more than 30minutes to click around the screen….and still I could not manage to find where it is…………….
It is just the very first game, a friendly match of a new career game.
#688462 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
Always using this beautiful skin, Million THX! JUST downloaded the latest version!
Is it possible to REMOVE both kits from the player profile screen as shown below? (so that the players` background photos can be seen in a better way)
Thank you!
#686589 Any chance to change HOT PROSPECT & KEY PLAYER ?
Do I need the FM Editor or any tool to change the hot prospect & key player on team overview? Or they are not allowed to be changed anyway?
#686505 How to change the Data Update`s XML file into fmf file?
Thank you for your instruction! Have read FAQ23 and redo it again but still failed to make it. I have selected the right earlier version of Database `Football Manager 2022` that I imported in the FM22 Editor as follow (also, Leagues and Data Updates is selected✅). Is the RED circle file attached below is what your reply said select the file/s at the game start up screen suppose to mean? Or do i misunderstand your meaning?.. Thank you for your advice again. I am really struggling.. >>
#686497 How to change the Data Update`s XML file into fmf file?
Didn`t even know that there is a FM22 EDITOR…Thank you so much! But there is nothing got changed or updated after I did the following:
●Open FM Editor
●Choose the default database, `FOOTBALL MANAGER 2022` as my game database
●Choose and Load
`sortitoutsi.net FM22 Data Update-Changes.xml file
` in IMPORT after opening FILE on the top left→A message pop up as `This file was last saved from an old database. Some database changes or custom competitions may fail with a new database`
●Exit FM22 Editor after saving changes in
`Save Editor Data As
…`●Open the game and started a `NEW CAREER GAME`
●Choose the default database, `FOOTBALL MANAGER 2022` as my game database
●Tick ✅Newly created fmf file
`League & Data Updates
` and Confirm●Advanced Setup and Start Game….
#686478 How to change the Data Update`s XML file into fmf file?
The file downloaded in the latest Data Update is in XML format. It can not be chosen (a ✅)in the Editor Data files.
How can I turn the XML file into a FMF file? For the DATABASE, I am NOT using 22.3 nor 22.4 update but `Football Manager 2022` as I am playing a Japanese league which facepack can not be correctly applied if 22.3 or 22.4 database are used..
Thank you!
#658970 How to add my own face as manager photo in FM22?
Got it!
Thank you brother MONS!
#657850 How to add my own face as manager photo in FM22?
Playing the Beta version of FM22. Is there a way to add my face as manager photo?
#656876 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
Is there any way to remove the 2 kits on the top left in the player profile?
#656430 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
Solved! I picked Profile Flut Card as well!
The visual is way better now! Really Really Thx bro!!
#656265 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
Could you tell me where is the background panel selector?
Million Thx!
#656215 FM 2022 FLUT skin dark - 6.0
Thank you so much!!! Enjoying FM22 with your awesome skin!
Regarding the player`s detail. I Just wonder if it is possible to remove the player`s picture on the left top corner right behind the kits?
It is just the same as the large background picture.
#645932 Downloaded Live Football Manager Data Update not reflected in the game at all
Hope somebody could help us to fix this problem soon. Really frustrating. Season has started, but the squads are ALL old……
#645615 Downloaded Live Football Manager Data Update not reflected in the game at all
I followed all the instruction in the download page after downloaded the zip file released on 8 Aug 2021 and 11 Aug 2021
>Move the contents of the Zip file to "Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2021/editor data/"
>Start FM2021 and select "New Career Game"
but still Ben White is not in Arsenal, Grealish still in Villa after launching Quick Start in FM2021… both download files seem didn`t work.
I could ONLY find `QUICK START`, and failed to find "New Career Game" in the starting screen. Is this the reason why it s not updated??
Any other possible reason for this problem?
I have posted it in sortitoutsi Data Update Discussion, but there is no reply. Hope it works this time.
Thank you
#645237 Downloaded Live Football Manager Data Update not reflected in the game
I followed all the instruction in the download page after downloaded the zip file released on 8 Aug 2021,
>Move the contents of the Zip file to "Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2021/editor data/"
>Start FM2021 and select "New Career Game"
but still Ben White is not in Arsenal, Grealish still in Villa after launching FM2021…
I could ONLY find `QUICK START`, and failed to find "New Career Game" in the starting screen. Is this the reason why it s not updated??
Any other possible reason for this problem?
Thank you
#641996 The national squad (our England) is still not up-dated after downloading the update files
Thank you! Didn`t know that national squads are picked by AI! Thx