A.Salah91 - Comments

#786336 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By parsdaft1982 17 June 2024 - 06:34 AM UTC 

Hi mate, the match sharpness/condition % was removed in the latest fix. Was this intentional?



Download it and put it in the Tactical folder


#786310 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By Bielsa is a Legend 18 June 2024 - 20:21 PM UTC 

There are lots more errors, I used it for 10mins and couldn’t take any more and have gone back




#786274 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By Nicolas Yurchuk 18 June 2024 - 15:33 PM UTC 

personally, i don't see any difference. you were even too lazy to change the specific look of the manager home selector panel to make it look the same as other selector panels on other pages.


#786244 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By Footygamer 18 June 2024 - 11:25 AM UTC 

The “trust me bro” response is pretty frustrating that basically leaves it up to sasmaz to investigate himself. It would be alot easier if you listed what you used originally and what you changed. If it's not possible for you to do so you could at least explain why.


This whole episode really feels like pulling teeth.


I don't fully understand what you mean. If you ask me I can give you an example of my modifications. 

Like this original page. 


And this changed me. 



Do you mean that?

#786243 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By sasmaz 18 June 2024 - 11:32 AM UTC 

I was made aware of this by a comment made in the SI Skinning forum by @Just Howie before you where called out and then pm'd me
if you like i can grab the comments of which you PM'ed me here and the comment there ?


Anyway - i've checked your new update and even tho you have “just” moved some of my files into other folders - I can accept the amount you have removed and see no further issues here - and to show my good will, i'll let you keep my "Bookmark" menu


i will however keep an eye on further updates, just to make sure you do not just copy stuff back and once again call it your work


for further info: please don't keep lying about stuff like this, skin creators know there own work and if you had not kept lying and calling me a liar etc, things could have gone more smoothly and you would have been able to gain help and advise etc from me.


@Footygamer  - I see no further issues here and OP can keep his version, but as i've written further up. i'll keep an eye out for future “moving files back” and you'll be notified 🙂  

I modified it, my friend, and changed it to an icon instead of writing. This is your permission


#786236 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By Footygamer 18 June 2024 - 10:07 AM UTC 

@A.Salah91 I didn't ask you to post screenshots comparing specific screens or screenshots of conversations asking for permission from other people. I asked you to detail what you did take, from who and what changes you've made.


It's very frustrating to be consistently ignored and you're doing yourself no favours acting this way.


At the very least even if you have permission from other people, @sasmaz clearly hasn't given you permission and wants you to remove his work, so for now i've disabled your download, please reupload a new one after you've removed anything of sasmaz's you've used, you can of course continue to use the stuff from other people who have given you permission.


I would suggest you document what you've changed, it would be a dick move to discreetly remove things and force other people to try and figure out the changes you've made.


Indeed, I have removed anything related to sas and the comparison between pages for the sake of looking at the changes that I myself made to the old pages. And please re-download it again. I do not spend money on this work for you to follow me. I am trying to help others. I appreciate my effort in this work. If it were that easy, everyone would do it. Please appreciate my effort. Believe me, SAS would not have known about this work without me sending it to him

#786226 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By parsdaft1982 17 June 2024 - 08:00 AM UTC 

Ok, I just have to say this. This guys skin has to be one of the best out there. I have used Sas skin up until this one. Ok, he may be using parts from all the skins out there to make it, but he makes it work well. I have checked the OP, he has given credit to all the skin makers he has taken his ideas/panels/graphics from. I also get the impression that English is not his first language, so he may be having difficulty understanding what he has done wrong. Asking the site to remove the skin is very harsh imho. Anyway, that is my thoughts, I love this skin and i am looking forward to other updates.


Some of the panels used have been changed from the SAS skin. These panels were taken from WTCS temporarily and accreditation was taken from it.

#786223 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By Footygamer 17 June 2024 - 13:12 PM UTC 

@Azrael whether or not it fits the exact definition of plagiarism isn't the point, we're not the police or a court of law. We're a community and you need to follow the basic standards of the community and be seen to give more than you try to take otherwise you're not welcome.


He used another skin as a base and copy and pasted everything about it even it's description and credits and didn't give that skin credit, if we was just posting as a forum topic you might call it forgetful, but he managed to remember many other things like recording a YouTube channel to show it off, which makes it seem like he's not forgetful he simply didn't care, or at least cared more about promoting himself than anything else, which makes him seem like a bad member of the community. Later when called out on this he was argumentative before adding the smallest possible credit made up of 8 extra characters. Quite rightly this has pissed off other people mostly sasmaz the author of the file he took.


People have now asked for the post to be deleted as punishment, I agree that some sort of “punishment” is due otherwise we're just accepting the initial actions as okay. I've suggested that as “punishment” he should share what changes he's made and how he's made them in such a way that would reassure other creators that he has put in significant effort and that would act as a tutorial for other people wanting to learn how to do the same. I think this is a nice, creative and fair “punishment” and that if he was smart about it would actually help him alot.


But instead he completely ignored my posts and made me ask 3 times, then when he did respond he completely ignored the suggestion and gave the most basic “i'm sorry it won't happen again” response as if i'm his mother and he's a 13 year old boy, which he might well be for all I know.


That feels like a slap in the face when I could have easily sided with the people he took from but instead have gone out of my way to give him the benefit of the doubt and the opportunity to make amends.


Having said that English clearly isn't his first language and he clearly does have enthusiasm and some basic talent which could improve over time so I want to give him the opportunity to turn things around.


@A.Salah91 in order to make amends please update the description to give more detail about what changes you've made and how you've made them including a some basic instructions with before and after code samples that could help other people in your position who are eager to learn how to make skins. If you are unable to do so and can't offer a good reason, or if you simply refuse because you don't want to i'm going to side with those people who are asking for it to be deleted.


I think that's fair.


Look at the difference between the home page. We will notice the difference between the first time and the last time. My body has changed, proof that I am changing myself.



Some boxes have been added and some information has been added.    Is there some appreciation for this work and appreciation for the fatigue?
#786222 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By Footygamer 17 June 2024 - 13:12 PM UTC 

@Azrael whether or not it fits the exact definition of plagiarism isn't the point, we're not the police or a court of law. We're a community and you need to follow the basic standards of the community and be seen to give more than you try to take otherwise you're not welcome.


He used another skin as a base and copy and pasted everything about it even it's description and credits and didn't give that skin credit, if we was just posting as a forum topic you might call it forgetful, but he managed to remember many other things like recording a YouTube channel to show it off, which makes it seem like he's not forgetful he simply didn't care, or at least cared more about promoting himself than anything else, which makes him seem like a bad member of the community. Later when called out on this he was argumentative before adding the smallest possible credit made up of 8 extra characters. Quite rightly this has pissed off other people mostly sasmaz the author of the file he took.


People have now asked for the post to be deleted as punishment, I agree that some sort of “punishment” is due otherwise we're just accepting the initial actions as okay. I've suggested that as “punishment” he should share what changes he's made and how he's made them in such a way that would reassure other creators that he has put in significant effort and that would act as a tutorial for other people wanting to learn how to do the same. I think this is a nice, creative and fair “punishment” and that if he was smart about it would actually help him alot.


But instead he completely ignored my posts and made me ask 3 times, then when he did respond he completely ignored the suggestion and gave the most basic “i'm sorry it won't happen again” response as if i'm his mother and he's a 13 year old boy, which he might well be for all I know.


That feels like a slap in the face when I could have easily sided with the people he took from but instead have gone out of my way to give him the benefit of the doubt and the opportunity to make amends.


Having said that English clearly isn't his first language and he clearly does have enthusiasm and some basic talent which could improve over time so I want to give him the opportunity to turn things around.


@A.Salah91 in order to make amends please update the description to give more detail about what changes you've made and how you've made them including a some basic instructions with before and after code samples that could help other people in your position who are eager to learn how to make skins. If you are unable to do so and can't offer a good reason, or if you simply refuse because you don't want to i'm going to side with those people who are asking for it to be deleted.


I think that's fair.


If I had been my intention, I would not have sent him a request for permission to take credit

#786128 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By Robert punshon 17 June 2024 - 00:30 AM UTC 

hello mate, what facepack do you have?


If you mean the facet of the players, it is the facet of DF 11

#786074 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By Footygamer 16 June 2024 - 13:23 PM UTC 

@A.Salah91 you seem to have ignored my post while continuing to update the Skin, could you please respond to my comments on page 3.


To be abundantly clear i've been asked by others who's work you've used to delete this post and rather than do so i've tried to give you the benefit of the doubt that it was an honest mistake as well as ample opportunity to make amends. Deciding to completely ignore me only adds to the initial disrespect you showed the community and adds weight to requests for this to be deleted.


I apologize for any distress or inconvenience I caused to anyone

#786073 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By Bielsa is a Legend 16 June 2024 - 15:31 PM UTC 

Do the right thing @Footygamer he is acting like an arrogant pr#ck


I'm not arrogant but sometimes comments don't appear

#786072 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By Footygamer 11 June 2024 - 11:21 AM UTC 

I was hoping my post might encourage some sort of resolution and that people can be taught how to be better rather than simply punished, deleting the post would be a last resort in my eyes.


If @A.Salah91 was thinking clearly he would take the time to be less defensive and a bit more humble, apologise and make considerable changes to his description to include clearer credit to @sasmaz as well as share information on the changes he's made and how he's made them, thereby reassuring people of the effort he has put in and attaining some goodwill by contributing back to the community and helping others who will find themselves in a similar situation.


Unfortunately he hasn't and is just responding in quite a combative tone. While I understand people's instinct to be defensive when criticised it's not coming across very well.


So @A.Salah91 could you please show some indication that you understand and acknowledge what's gone on here and correct it in such a way that convinces people it won't happen again. Then you'll be able to continue learning how to make skins and contributing to the community.


I understand and acknowledge what is happening here and I am trying to correct what happened in the driver in a better way so that it will not happen again. I am now learning how to make leather more professionally and contribute to society.

Sorry for what happened in the past .

#786043 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By p_baines1 15 June 2024 - 21:30 PM UTC 

Hi, there is no player pic top left in player screen. There's a tiny pic in centre 


it Fixed now

#785982 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
#785954 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By p_baines1 14 June 2024 - 20:53 PM UTC 

New update 24.6.1 there are no faces in player profiles matey


Don't worry, I will look into the problem and fix it

#785890 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By p_baines1 14 June 2024 - 06:50 AM UTC 

Great skin. I'm enjoying the visuals and content of this skin. Which is what it's all about  , enjoying a good fm24 skin. Loving the additions 


Thanks bro 

#785598 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By Nicolas Yurchuk 11 June 2024 - 15:21 PM UTC 

your other big problem is that you don't make a skin for yourself, but to please other people and promote your YouTube channel.  subjectively, it looks terrible, there are many inconsistencies, there is no single template, in some places there are not enough indents, etc.  the fact that you start shuffling the order of the panels on the page does not change anything.


thanks for your advice

#785527 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By sasmaz 10 June 2024 - 18:02 PM UTC 


as it seems that you're the only one that can make the decision on whether a item should stay or go on this site.

all i can say is that even tho it's clear that this user has "taken/stolen/borrowed" 99% of his skin from various skins, and i'm not only talking about a few panels here and there.. But whole pages with everything inside it and just mixed it all together to this… without giving credit unless told to, without asking anyone for permission


i'm speachless as it seems that nothing is being done on your partto help prevent this from happening, i hope you've enjoyed having my skin here for the 1st time and last time.

I think you are accusing me of stealing the computer too



#785526 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By Nicolas Yurchuk 10 June 2024 - 17:22 PM UTC 


ummm... and I understand that my description is valid for 2/3 of the existing skins.  but their authors at least do not promote their channel and do not run to other forums for help in case someone points out an error in their work)


I think you can't ride your own skin and need someone to help
What do you think of this change?

#785386 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By sasmaz 09 June 2024 - 15:54 PM UTC 


Then please tell me what you added from IronOwl and from where you got the idea for it as you have his name in the credits


also, what have you added from Cat skin ?


just to ask a few questions.. about your own credit line



i've seen that you now added Just skin to the bottom and me to the top.. but lets have a look at mine vs yours


attached credits from both.


and club info and player profil is all from my skin


But maybe you can explain to me how you've added the FM Stag stats to the default top menu if you still claim that it's your design


i've asked a admin to remove your skin from the site as you didnt remove it yourself as you said to me you would in the PM to me


After this work, will you call me a thief?

#785256 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By Nicolas Yurchuk 09 June 2024 - 14:40 PM UTC 

probably most started their acquaintance with skinning by modifying other people's skins. but it's really very funny when the "author" runs to another forum to ask for basic advice on changing his "own" skin.
I think he should continue to study without publishing the results of his work. and in 2-3 years he might be able to publish his own skin.


The most valuable advice is not considered a defect. But the advice you are talking about caused a problem with my skin, so I solved it myself after some many attempts.

#785243 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By Just Howie 09 June 2024 - 14:16 PM UTC 

The point is being respectful to other creators alot of panels made are custom made by the creator it is stealing work if you copy and paste. It's respectful to ask the creators to use their work .


If you can't see why this is wrong you're part of the problem and one of the reasons skin makers are less and less by the day. 


You're trying to justify yourself but how would you feel if I just copied your skin linked my YouTube said subscribe to me and change just the main menu screen. 

I sent you your permission regarding the credits and you did not respond to me


#785231 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By sasmaz 09 June 2024 - 12:37 PM UTC 

the “credits" is even my credits he has just copy'd and only added his own name to the top


and if you look at the player profile, club info etc. you can see it's a full page steal with everything inside it


so yes, it's a full on stealing and added stolen parts from other skin makers


The credits are not the first time I have written them. I have been writing them since the first day I uploaded housing to the page. I believe that housing exists to any extent, and anyone can modify it, remove it, or modify it. I am sorry because I did not know that I had to ask for permission, and I think that the page is a page in which I have changed a lot. Maybe the club page has this club information, which I did not change anything about, but the player presentation page in which I changed things. However, I apologize to you or anyone I used who has anything, but I edit anything I take, not everything is a copy and paste. I did not receive any money for this work. It is volunteer work in the first place and in the end, and we help each other with it. If modification is a crime, then I think whoever modifies cars deserves to be prosecuted

#785134 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By Just Howie 09 June 2024 - 01:02 AM UTC 

Nice to see my work being stolen and no credit given 


What theft are you talking about? Do not accuse people of falsehood, my friend


#785123 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By Rellom Q 08 June 2024 - 19:39 PM UTC 

Current player overview in 5.3 is a massive downgrade compared to 5.1 version. Not only in terms of information, but also in terms of problems with scale issues on 1440p. 


Everything else, pretty good.


Do you mean that?


#785120 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By Rellom Q 08 June 2024 - 19:39 PM UTC 

Current player overview in 5.3 is a massive downgrade compared to 5.1 version. Not only in terms of information, but also in terms of problems with scale issues on 1440p. 


Everything else, pretty good.


I will return in the next update


#785108 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By Yiğit Can Arın 08 June 2024 - 11:22 AM UTC 

i think something wrong in player overview


See, no problem.
But have you tried with other players?

#784987 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By loomie 06 June 2024 - 22:13 PM UTC 

Hey nice Skin .

 I noticed 2 issues, first one my Manager Picture on the Profilsite missing a bit ,not in full . ( DF11 Faces )

and last the Exit Button is Missing at the Main Page . 




#784899 FM.Challenge
9 years ago
8 hours ago
By A.Salah91 06 June 2024 - 16:35 PM UTC 

Thank you for your observation, and God willing, I will try to fix it.  If I don't care about you, don't forget to subscribe to the YouTube channel

You can make it look like this by changing the size of text & image zoom to 95

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