Gabriele Rossi - Comments

#785905 hello
Gabriele Rossi
8 years ago
6 days ago

I don't understand why I don't see the logos next to them and the process I did I followed everything as in the instructions... but if I click on them I see everything why?

ps why do I see the national teams next to them?

I also posted photos for the problem I have

#785830 hello
Gabriele Rossi
8 years ago
6 days ago
By mons 13 June 2024 - 17:01 PM UTC 

This is an English-language forum, so let's post in English.


Can you make a search in the graphics folder of the following UID: 6441 (Simone Inzaghi)? Before you take a screenshot, can you post the results in the manner outlined below?


This can be achieved by posting the UID in the red circle, choosing the view tab via the blue circle, the details option in the black circle and making sure the folder column in the green circle is long enough to display the full path.


When you run the search, can you change the below search options?


Once that is done and you've taken a screenshot, repeat the process by putting in config.xml within the red circle?



This will help me see if you have a config file in the faces folder and if it has that UID.




Maybe I understood why it didn't add all the smileys because I had deleted the config file both in the logos and in the smileys -.-"

#785819 hello
#785818 hello
Gabriele Rossi
8 years ago
6 days ago
#785798 hello
Gabriele Rossi
8 years ago
6 days ago

ecco eppure ho 300000 immagini di faccine e in + anche i loghi delle squadre che alcune si vedano altri no 😢

#785797 hello
#785789 hello
Gabriele Rossi
8 years ago
6 days ago
By mons 13 June 2024 - 07:29 AM UTC 

All seems fine for the faces. However, I also asked you for screenshots of what it looks like in-game.


The installation instructions also tell you to have your preferences as follows:


Have you done it? Can I see screenshots of it?


here is the screenshot you asked for




#785720 hello
Gabriele Rossi
8 years ago
6 days ago

hi mons

thanks for the help you are giving me as you asked I took some screenshots of what you told me and I also put where I put the logos so you can get an idea ok?

ps if you want I'll add you as a friend here so if anything you can also write to me privately if you want

Thanks in advance

#785405 hello
Gabriele Rossi
8 years ago
6 days ago

but did I explain myself well or badly? 

#785324 hello
Gabriele Rossi
8 years ago
6 days ago

Hi everyone

I wanted to ask a question: why can't I see the team logos and the players' faces properly when I have followed all the instructions on how to do it properly?

P.S. I attached the photo to see the path where I put the photos of the smileys and logos

#785323 hello
Gabriele Rossi
8 years ago
6 days ago

Hi everyone

I wanted to ask a question: why can't I see the team logos and the players' faces properly when I have followed all the instructions on how to do it properly?

P.S. I attached the photo to see the path where I put the photos of the smileys and logos

#769028 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Gabriele Rossi
8 years ago
6 days ago
By mons 28 December 2023 - 12:35 PM UTC 

a) Can you please upload that image to imgur or another image-sharing please, because it isn't appearing for me

b) Save this image in your faces folder, overwriting the existing cut if prompted

c) It's not entirely clear what you're asking but I won't imagine there will be more instances like this where the wrong image was added by mistake. With 6,500 cut+, I cannot guarantee that, naturally.


So I'll try to respond to what he told me: Let's see then for a new photo link to see it I'll send you this link: 


What you wrote to me in letter B I wouldn't be able to do, I'm honest

instead for what you told me in letter c:
I wanted to say that I have always said yes, for example if the file was "2000310023.png" the same as the same update, so if there were errors in the smileys I didn't make any changes to whether the person was the same or not, it was just a coincidence that it happened to me, to see otherwise I would have to start again from 0 to see if the smileys are the same or not in the new updates if I had to do it I would have to waste a lot of time and I don't feel like it already sometimes I do it with the team logos of course if I have to doing it with the smileys of which there are millions would go crazy

ps I hope this time I was good at making myself understood, since I'm using the translator to write to you in English


happy continuation to all of you who are unique 

#769012 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Gabriele Rossi
8 years ago
6 days ago
By mons 28 December 2023 - 07:13 AM UTC 

Good spot, seems like the uploader of that image made a mistake and assigned the image to the wrong player. If you've overwritten it already, you can save the old cut from the guy's timeline 👍





Can I have a screenshot of the properties of this folder?


Can I also have a screenshot of the contents of the graphics folder? Do you not get any graphics at all in-game, or do you get an empty space where the graphics should be?



Hi everyone, in the meantime, I would like to thank you again for your willingness to help me with what I'm doing. Now I'll send you the link where I uploaded all the smilies in the game. 

question but what do you mean when you say "the old cut from the boy's timeline"?

Ps I confirmed everything without problems both in the large and small smilies, however I didn't notice whether there were others or not if I had to start over from 0 it would be really difficult as what

I hope I made myself understood

#768911 Cut-Out Faces Megapack TECHNICAL SUPPORT thread - please read first post before posting
Gabriele Rossi
8 years ago
6 days ago

Hi, I wanted some information on your site for the smilies, I saw something that doesn't add up, I'm sending you a photo and I would like to know how do you think it can be resolved?

thank you for everything, you are magnificent

Ps the photo I'm posting is this link which shows a blond guy and then next to him someone with black hair, how can this be?


double clicking on the photo you can enlarge the photo ok?