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#499944 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Many thanks!
Sorry to be fussy, but is there any chance you could tweak the colours somewhat?
i.e. Make the black darker and the red/blue detail brighter?
#499220 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
414x414 pixel size please.
Many thanks in advance.
#499218 Spain - Liga Santander SS'2019/20 Relink! (26/01/20)
In game these kits look quite blurry and not of the best quality, which is a bit disappointing for such a reputable league like La Liga.
#497957 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Leeds 3rd kit
#497955 Italy - Serie A SS'2019/20 Relink! (20/05/20)
Haha. Thanks.
It's only as I'm planning a save with Bologna and knew it would buy me.
Much appreictaed. Thanks.
#497646 Italy - Serie A SS'2019/20 Relink! (20/05/20)
However, apologies for being picky, but Bologna's home shirt is missing the sleeve sponsor.
Any chance it could be added please? Thanks.
#497308 David De Gea
Ah, apologies. I didn't realize we could use larger sized cut-outs.
Neither was I aware of that seperate Man Utd pack. Thanks for linking the pack.
#496308 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Bologna 3rd Kit
#478022 Personal Assistant Face (Female)
I'm afraid not, Mons.
I have a default regen female face created already and I just want the image to represent any female personal assistant/press officer that are in the game.
These are staff members who have no visible unqiue ID, but in FM18, there was a small config that could be added somewhere in the graphics files which would assign a default female face to these type of staff members which would appear in your news inbox.
Hope this helps. Thanks for any further help.
#477967 Personal Assistant Face (Female)
However, I no longer have this config and really would like to get female regen staff to have a face in FM19 AGAIN.
Can anyone please advise or provide a config file to get this to work?
Many thanks for any help!
#471740 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Footy Headlines article - More pictures
#469439 Default Skins - Proper Dark v1.3 (UPDATED: 07/11/2018)
#469203 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Thanks for the advice!
#469182 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Brentford - 3rd - Green
Ipswich - 3rd - Red
Sheff Utd - 3rd - Purple
Sheff Wed - 3rd - Black/Yellow
Bristol Rovers -3rd - Black
Forest Green Rovers - 3rd - Blue
Chesterfield - 3rd - Black
Boston United - 3rd - White/Grey
Guiseley - 3rd - Yellow
In addition, this kit appears in the Kit pack, but does not work in the game for some reason:
**East Thurrock - 1st - Yellow
Thanks for any help to adding these kits to the game.
#464367 How to add kit, logo and face packs to FM2018 Touch on iOS on iPad???
Has anyone changed to real club and competition names on IOS FMT?
#433117 How to add kit, logo and face packs to FM2018 Touch on iOS on iPad???
Some graphics work for me, faces and small logos do not.
Please Help.
#432488 Android Real Names (FMT)
Good to know that real names and graphics work on Android tablets.
Could you please give me a few tips in regard to getting graphics into FMT?
Thanks for any help.
#432487 How to add kit, logo and face packs to FM2018 Touch on iOS on iPad???
Same question.
Does anyone know anything about importing graphics to an Android tablet?
Thanks for any help.
#430366 FM2018 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM18.3.0 [v2.1 released on 05/04/2018]
OK, no worries. Thanks for your reply.
If anyone else has used this on tablet/ipad, it would be appreciated if you can let me know.
#430360 FM2018 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM18.3.0 [v2.1 released on 05/04/2018]
#428893 FM2018 Real Names and German National Team Fix File for FM18.3.0 [v2.1 released on 05/04/2018]
#406681 Female Staff - Personal Assistant / Press Officer
Has anyone been able to see if this is possible in FM18 yet?
Either to find the UID of a generated female staff member or to replace the dark silhouette image of a female generated staff member (i.e. press officer)?
#406682 Female Staff - Personal Assistant / Press Officer
Has anyone been able to see if this is possible in FM18 yet?
Either to find the UID of a generated female staff member or to replace the dark silhouette image of a female generated staff member (i.e. press officer)?
#406463 England - Premier League SS'2017/18 Relink! (02/12/17)
Where is the link?
#402284 Request a cutout of your own image for the manager avatar
#402282 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Are kit makers likely to re-release packs so they use the high-res style, or would any other kit makers look to make the packs again with the larger kits?
#401988 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
@bolid74, your efforts a massively appreciated! High-res kits certainly look the way forward for FM18, so I hope your dedication will encourage many others to create packs to the same high standard.
Keep up the good work!
#401987 Female Staff - Personal Assistant / Press Officer
By the looks of the latest FM feature video released on YouTube, female staff still have black silhouette faces, which is pretty ridiculous. Hopefully they may have made it easier for us to attain the UIDs, but I imagine that will be unlikely too.
Have many people managed to replace the female default silhouette image with their own picture? I imagine this picture would then represent every generated female in the game though?
#401651 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
High-res SS kits should be mandatory after this reveal for FM18.
#399881 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
I think they look so much better in-game than the standard size we've had for years.