meeseeks - Comments

#427961 3D Fantasy Kits Thread
8 years ago
4 weeks ago
Glad I could do it justice! That pattern on the home kit was a pain mind

Tch, you're telling me! Spent ages on that thing, aha.

Might as well plug my instagram @mockup_fc maybe someone will want of those made...
#427952 3D Fantasy Kits Thread
8 years ago
4 weeks ago
Wondering if it would be possible to get these made into 3d kits

Just on it now pal, SS' kits posted as well, enjoying making them!

Let me know if these are alright

Hey, I am well new to this 3d kits thing, but, I have 2 sets of Rangers ones I would love if its possible. Both are fantasy kits

and also

Awesome if you can

It's actually kind of surreal seeing someone request kids I've made myself, aha. You've done a great job converting this into 3D/SS kits, A11_Smithy.