Ttggfr - Comments

#650384 Agustín Arcando
7 years ago
4 hours ago

@Santi_carp you need to get a bigger source for this player to receive a cut

#650367 No-ID Topic - NO REQUESTS
7 years ago
4 hours ago

4 players without ID from Tai Po Football Club:


Fu Brandon Shao Yip
Kwok Chun Nok
So Chin Ho
Yip Hoi Kit
#650243 No-ID Topic - NO REQUESTS
#650239 No-ID Topic - NO REQUESTS
7 years ago
4 hours ago

Here are a few HKFC (team id: 133677) Players currently without ID:

Noa Fjelddahl


Lawrence Reynolds
Morgan Powell
Lucas Yan (Tianjian Ogawa)
#650092 Toma Bodri
7 years ago
4 hours ago

@Razvan Stancila @mons  source too small to provide a cut

#649839 Kai Edwards
7 years ago
4 hours ago

@mons @Aled James  the current cut is larger than the source you uploaded so it probably is not an improvement

#649726 Qiu Zhongyi
7 years ago
4 hours ago

@mr.milanesa  While searching for sources of Chinese or other Asian players, you may want to try using their name in their native language. (For this case, a Chinese player, so you may want to use his Chinese name to search) Usually searching like this would produce better results.

#649197 Roberto Ghielmetti
7 years ago
4 hours ago

@mons use the one uploaded later for the previous one has a slight bit of snow near the left ear

#649036 Vinicius Bongaertz
7 years ago
4 hours ago

@mons @weeniehutjr  The picture is from here, but is there a higher resolution version with a linkedin account?

#649028 Joleon Lescott
7 years ago
4 hours ago

@Snipe2irt @mons 

Good to see there are more cutters acting around, with the site having >8000 images pending we definitely need manpower.

While it is not a bad cut, please check your cuts on a black background before submitting to identify snow issues.

I have fixed this one, but in the future please check and solve the issue through the tutorial videos offered, as I may not be always around to check and fix cuts

#648888 Mohamed Salah
7 years ago
4 hours ago

@mons  the current cut is from the current pending source

#648831 Mordecai Zuhs
7 years ago
4 hours ago

@mons not sure if the pink spot on the lips of the original source is natural so I uploaded two versions, one having fixed that pink spot and one that did not, up for your selection

#648672 Wong Chi Chung
7 years ago
4 hours ago

@mons  may be you missed this one in the megapack

#648651 Andrés Ibargüen
7 years ago
4 hours ago

@mons Please reject both of them as I somehow managed to upload failed version of the cut twice

Edit: The third one will be the finalized fixed one

#647485 Ibrohimxalil Yo'ldoshev
7 years ago
4 hours ago

@Daniel Slavin There is a much bigger version of this upon 5 seconds of google, please try your best to find the best source as I may not have sufficient quota to upload it myself later on.

#645805 Mak Ka Hong
7 years ago
4 hours ago

@mons computer lag, accidentally clicked on the upload button 2 times as a result, please remove a duplicate

#643915 Tom Dickson-Peters
7 years ago
4 hours ago

@Mansa Musa  erm why would this blurry cut be an improvement of the existing one?


#643455 Adrian Marie
7 years ago
4 hours ago

@United Joshdom  There is a 800x800 version should you remove the constraints in the url

Constraints : resize=300%2C300&ssl=1



#643438 Ricardo González
7 years ago
4 hours ago
#643231 Anthony Dowding
7 years ago
4 hours ago

@D_i_M_o_N @mons 

thank you for attempting, but simply cropping and using would not work for this one as it has quite a bit of snow and white outline. can do most, but not all of the work required for a good cut

#643020 Marcos Galgaro
7 years ago
4 hours ago

@mons part of the background logo got stuck on his head

#642689 Jonathan Mattei
7 years ago
4 hours ago
By Cizzu 16 July 2021 - 18:03 PM UTC 


Yes… beacause it's a earring !!!  

You should look at the original image before making these wrong observations! 😀 




Yes, I know, it's wright. Thanks for the fix. 


Now that you had pointed that out, I managed to see that one as an earring. Although it probably should have been kept, removing it is not completely unforgivable that the cut required a remake?

Thanks for pointing that out, I actually missed it even when I saw the original image and removed it based on instinct.

#642645 Jonathan Mattei
7 years ago
4 hours ago
By Cizzu 16 July 2021 - 15:40 PM UTC 

😀 So I'm sorry. But that was an ironic answer ... because many times I really struggle to see snow, so it gets nerve-wracking every time to correct something I don't see. I don't want to look like a annoying person 🙂 


Yes exactly. But I don't think that for an extra inch of neck someone will go into crisis! Faces cut like in this way, without necks, are really ugly: people look short and stocky when they aren't at all. We try, as far as we can, to maintain the person's own physiognomy 😉 



Glad we got that sorted, no hard feelings. But since we are uploading to this site, we probably would need to follow the standards of this site.

so for you future cuts, you may want to check them both on a white and black background to identify potential issues. I can see sometimes people struggle with identifying snow ( as I was myself). Using this cut as an example, not saying that it was a bad cut, especially without the use of , but there were issues to be reckoned with. 

Firstly, I put your cut on a white background for a check.


Your cut on a white background


We may see that on the right hand side of the cut, there is a black part below the ear that is definitely not a part of the shirt nor a part of his face, and this can be identified with a white background for checking.

Then, we put the cut onto a black background.


Your cut on a black background

There were some unwanted white parts found there. These do not look good and may need fixing 

While sometimes it looked natural as the source was bright itself, the parts circled in red does not look too nice. Usually, there was a part that you commonly refer as light reflection would be called snow. In this instance, the part circled on the hair has the most notable snow, and the white outline (or background not removed), though sometimes unnoticeable, would contain snow. While sometimes you may fail to identify, better if you would just do the snow removal procedure with clone stamping around the edges of the WHOLE cut to avoid missing any.

I would this time use your cut to fix this one as you adjusted the contrast and the brightness of the cut way better than I do on this one.

Again, no hard feelings. Next time when people like me (and probably only me lol) pointed out issues, you may want to ask the guy who pointed out the issues to circle or identify the exact location of the issues. If they fail to identify the location clearly and use bad language to criticize you, then I personally agree that you have the right to go rampage.   

Edit: @mons Please select the cut you feel like the most appropriate. Though I made another version of the cut, the other version of the cut may need tweaks on the right hand side of the edges 

#642586 Jonathan Mattei
7 years ago
4 hours ago
By Cizzu 16 July 2021 - 00:13 AM UTC 

1 - Is this only valid one way? Instead, are you able to listen and understand the reasons of another person? If you answer in this piquant way I think not.

2 - You have darkened the shadow area. There was really no reason. Maybe you have very different monitor settings than I have.
3 - You cut the face in the chin. In this way the face appears much more stocky and less slender. He looks like another person!
4 - If you think you make things better, without accepting a contradictory, you have fallen into solipsism. So just talk to yourself.
5 - This mess for the face of a player from an unknown Italian league (80% of fm players will not load it), is really excessive.



Mons please don't interfere 🙂. I don't like rhetoric.  I don't know very well express myself in English, but if someone prevails over me, I answer. I shut up once, twice, but the third time I answer. It's natural. 


It applies to me, but it also applies to those who respond to my criticisms. Not in only one direction.



For this cut, unlike the one you actually did make a valid point, actually did not cut the chin off, but left no space below the chin, which kind of was the standard around here. This site would tend to leave little to no space below the chin, and would often nudge the collar as well, so not like I really love people without neck, but it was for the standards of this site. In fact, for my personal preference, without the snow issue and the right ear issue, I would have preferred your cut for the neck length.

As for the eye part, not like I had to specifically darken the area, but it was because that the eyes of this player is relatively deep, such that it may appear to be darker. 

Well I admit that I would myself also make mistakes at times, but the way I reacted was due to the over-reaction from previous encounters, when you have someone who responded to criticisms badly and telling me there were snow in my eyes, how polite would you expect me to be?

As for the last comment, every icon is worth our attention, obscure or not as these icons are also part of the megapack. 

@mons  and the others are the staff over here, their role is to interfere when arguments like this occur, and to maintain a peaceful environment.

I may have something worth learning from this, but for you, instead of over-reacting, time to learn how to fix the snow issue.          

#642509 Jonathan Mattei
7 years ago
4 hours ago
By Cizzu 15 July 2021 - 10:55 AM UTC 

Why did you alter the brightness? 
It is useless for me to waste time arranging borders, color dominance, etc.

Fix the cut to get a worse cut. Great! 


Why did you alter the ability to admit you having room for improvement?
It is useless for me to waste time fixing your cuts, responding to rude responses, tagging staff here and there, etc.

Making unnecessary comments to make the community sounded more toxic. Great!  

#642506 Sebastian Page
7 years ago
4 hours ago

@Cizzu  Although I do not think horrible is the right word to use as the cut was less than horrible, but you do made a valid point here by mentioning I went a few fixels too close. I have uploaded the version that included more of the area below the chin, so thank you.

@mons please check if this cut has any further issues that I may need to address  

Edit: Found an area on the bottom left side of the cut that seemed dent so I tweaked it

#642471 Jonathan Mattei
7 years ago
4 hours ago

@mons fixed neck length, suspected snow areas and the right ear (our left , player right)

#642357 Luis Zeballos
7 years ago
4 hours ago

@TiagoSeattle @mons while it is much appreciated that cuts were made, it should also be made aware that cuts like this one would require fixing before uploading. The left part of the head has a huge piece of white required to be removed.

#642304 Tadjoudine Sakibou
7 years ago
4 hours ago

@mons  source is definitely not in hd and the head area is around 183x183 so I made a 180 cut and fixed the area on the left neck (our right, player left)

#642225 Sacha M'Baka
7 years ago
4 hours ago

@Juan Millihand  @mons  uploaded a snow fixed version of this cut.

Should there be further cuts to be made, please be aware to check the cut in a black background for snow