nano235768 - Comments

#770086 Football Manager 2021 (PROPER) Audio Commentary patch
7 years ago
2 months ago

se puede usar en el fm24?? muchas gracias


#667357 Football Manager 2021 (PROPER) Audio Commentary patch
7 years ago
2 months ago
Por a31632 9 de diciembre de 2021-21: 35 p. M. UTC 

Recomiendo encarecidamente utilizar el enlace publicado a continuación para obtener una versión actualizada de los comentarios en vivo de FM22. @No actualizaré este para FM22, ya que el publicado aquí es una mejora importante (al menos en mi opinión). @De hecho, también lo hice funcionar para FM21, pero no puede simplemente copiarlo, si haz ... ¡tu juego se bloqueará! @Siga estas instrucciones exactamente para que funcione, si no, bloqueará el juego con seguridad.

You will need to extract the fmf files with Resource Archiver, replace the audio, cfg file and xml files with the ones in the new (improved) version LEAVE ALL THE OTHER FILE "AS IS" (don't delete or replace any other files as they are regular files needed by FM21 to work in game. Repack the 2 files with the Resource Archiver (simatch.fmf and simatchviewer-pc.fmf). Copy both to the FM21/data folder (rename or save the original files if you ever want to revert back, reload the skin or the game and it works (you will have the sounds from the new pack in that case in FM21).

This is the link:


Additional details in case needed:
Make sure to repack both folders you created and updated (you should have a folder "simatch" and a folder "simatchviewer-pc". When you replaced the cfg file and simatch.xml files in "simatch folder" use "Resource Archiver" to pack a new simatch.fmf. With the "simatchviewer-pc" folder you DELETE (not overwrite) the whole 'sounds' folder and leave all the rest as is. Replace the 'sound' folder with the new one and use "Resource Archiver" to create a "simatchviewer-pc.fmf" file. Now you have two fmf files that need to be copied to you FM 21 directory (in /data subfolder). That's it.......


me lo puedes explicar un poco mejor es que no lo entendido bien gracias 

#667356 Football Manager 2021 (PROPER) Audio Commentary patch
7 years ago
2 months ago
Por a31632 9 de diciembre de 2021-21: 35 p. M. UTC 

Recomiendo encarecidamente utilizar el enlace publicado a continuación para obtener una versión actualizada de los comentarios en vivo de FM22. @No actualizaré este para FM22, ya que el publicado aquí es una mejora importante (al menos en mi opinión). @De hecho, también lo hice funcionar para FM21, pero no puede simplemente copiarlo, si haz ... ¡tu juego se bloqueará! @Siga estas instrucciones exactamente para que funcione, si no, bloqueará el juego con seguridad.

You will need to extract the fmf files with Resource Archiver, replace the audio, cfg file and xml files with the ones in the new (improved) version LEAVE ALL THE OTHER FILE "AS IS" (don't delete or replace any other files as they are regular files needed by FM21 to work in game. Repack the 2 files with the Resource Archiver (simatch.fmf and simatchviewer-pc.fmf). Copy both to the FM21/data folder (rename or save the original files if you ever want to revert back, reload the skin or the game and it works (you will have the sounds from the new pack in that case in FM21).

This is the link:


Additional details in case needed:
Make sure to repack both folders you created and updated (you should have a folder "simatch" and a folder "simatchviewer-pc". When you replaced the cfg file and simatch.xml files in "simatch folder" use "Resource Archiver" to pack a new simatch.fmf. With the "simatchviewer-pc" folder you DELETE (not overwrite) the whole 'sounds' folder and leave all the rest as is. Replace the 'sound' folder with the new one and use "Resource Archiver" to create a "simatchviewer-pc.fmf" file. Now you have two fmf files that need to be copied to you FM 21 directory (in /data subfolder). That's it.......


me lo puedes explicar un poco mejor es que no lo entendido bien gracias 

#665042 Football Manager 2021 (PROPER) Audio Commentary patch
7 years ago
2 months ago
By Metz+ 03 November 2021 - 13:26 PM UTC 

This mod will not work for FM 2022


the reason it wont is that SI have changed the way the file is written and any old triggers will now not trigger due to being totally rewritten.  i have made a commentary pack for fm 2021 that has Peter Drury commentating and tried to add this to FM 2022.  After inspection of the files they no longer match up with the match evens folder.  However ……. i have re-written them over the last 3 nights and hey presto. my commentary pack works.

me gustaria tenerlo tio si puede ser muchas por el gran trabajo en fm 21 a mi me encanto ojala lo publiques para fm22


#665041 Football Manager 2021 (PROPER) Audio Commentary patch
7 years ago
2 months ago
By fmilln7 05 November 2021 - 16:23 PM UTC 

when will the update be ready to work with FM22? thanks for all the hard work!


me gustaria tenerlo ya que ahora jugar en fm 22 no es lo msimo despues de acostumbrarme a jugar con este paquete en fm 21