beppemre81 Activity
Upon your requests, updated the post with the desired files! 😉
Yes, the in-game editor is disabled. If you need a save game that involves using it, let me know and I'll post it as soon as I can! 😉
If you read through the various comments above, you will find everything you are looking for
Although many can already be seen in the video and are spoilers, the beauty would be to unearth them and send observers to look for them... that said, here is the list of players created 😉 (put the file in the "shortlist" folder and in game, upload...
Great! glad you got it now 😀 Good career friend 🙂 hope you like the idea
With the save game you don't need to choose the world; you put the file in the "games" folder and then from the game you upload the fileHowever I had put a tutorial video, "original world" should be selected 😉 you can find the video here: https...
I had already sent a save to another user, here it is Game file for starting a new career:DOWNLOAD → Try it and let me know if it's okay afterwards!...
I checked the player IDs and they are all correct; you probably created the career with other files in the "editor data" folder that conflict and compromise the player IDsIt is advisable to create the career, using only the "rebirth of legends" fileGive i...
YES, there are many users who are happy; I feel sorry for those who fail (although by following the tutorual guide you can't go wrong) they probably load other editor files that create conflict or problems or have graphics folders with the same IDs in the...
Try following step by step also the video tutorial I posted
Hi! I added a video tutorial at the beginning of the created post; try to follow it step by step and let me know if you managed to install it! 😉
I did not understand the question
when you create the new career, do you use other files in editor data?...maybe they conflict with my file and it won't let you view the faces. that could be the reason. If you want, use my save game 😉
Then it's not for you 🙂 …... these are points of view, we instead see it as the rebirth of champions 😉
Grazie Federico! 🙂 Anche io lo scorso anno usavo un file .edt, ma per un database differente….praticamente ho un db di soli giocatori leggende (3800 players!) e per non avere troppi newgen “sconosciuti” duranti gli anni in game, ho creato una lista...
Grazie Caligola! 🙂 se funziona tutto al meglio, mi fa piacere 😀…ovviamente poi attendiamo gli screen dei tuoi acquisti per il tuo club 🙂 buon game!!!
The path seems correct; give it a the game file I attach and put it in the "games" folder then open the file in FM and let me know if you finally see the faces too.
If yes, then maybe you were doing something wrong in creating your new car...
thank's my friend! 🙂 …….then let me know if everything works fine
can you send me a screenshot of the path where you insert the facepack? so I can help you... also because if other users see them, maybe you miss some steps... let me know
as you can see from my screens the facepack works; make sure you reload the skin and place the folder in the right location
the package in download does not require a password 😉
my personal skin 🙂
Sure, I understand! I will include them in the initial post shortly 😉
yes, but since to use the new stadiums you need to start a new game, you can easily use the save game file found in the download.
Sei un grande! 😀 scusa per l'equivoco….attendo con ansia il tuo aggiornamento per le registrazioni! ci conto Boss 😉
ho provato ad aggiungere le registrazioni della rosa per le coppe europee (…in attesa del tuo update) tu dici che potrebbe essere stato quello?…domani provo a creare una nuova carriera col tuo ultimo file che hai postato…faccio dei test, poi ti faccio sap...
Invece dall'elenco delle partecipanti alla Uefa Cup, compare tra le 4 italiane ancora l'Inter (vedi foto sotto)…anche la Lazio è un anomolia perchè guardando la classifica della serie A, a parte Inter e Atalanta, le altri squadre in ordine dovrebbero esse...
Ciao Boss, grazie per avermi risposto così velocemente 🙂ti invio degli screen shoot rigurdanti le domande che mi hai fatto sui vari vincitori….(se poi mi lasci una mail, ti posso inviare anche il file di salvataggio) Confido in te anche per la siste...
ciao. c'è u problema nelle regole….ho provato a testare un campionato con l'inter e al 2° anno mi sono ritrovato la squadra che partecipa sia alla European Champions Cup che alla Uefa Europa League…non è possibile. Ti invio uno screenshoot per farti capir...