flut Activity
For hidden attributes be displayed you should have the IGE (in game editor from SI) .
Place it in the human folder. panels/human
Try this one (place it in the human folder of the skin)
HiCould you please put a screenshot with the entire panel?
Thanks.Replace it with this one.
Thanks. And can you send me the player additional attributes panel3.xml?
Hummm. There is something weird there. Please send me your player scout reports analysis subpanel.xml
Go to match commentary.xml and change the value in the following code <integer id="size" value="20" />
Go to yacs information.xml and remove the following code <widget class="label" alignment="can_scale,centre" font="title" background_colour="red"> <translation id="text" translation_id="314426" type="use" value="Ability[COMM...
Go to player overview big selector panel1.xml (located in panels folder) and remove the following code <widget class="person_personal_information_panel" id="ypin" file="player/abilityinformation1" late_loading="true"> ...
I don't know if there is any tutorial for that. However, for implemnt such thing you should edit several xmls and graphics….
Outside the folders (just directly inside the panels folder, you can find the player personal details panel1.xml 🙂
I don't intend to do it, but thank you anyway 🙂
Sometimes I am happy answering and…sometimes not so happy lol. But is okay and serves to keep learning things for editing skin, since, sometimes I don't know the answer and have to find it. And, also, as I usually say, is the “price to pay” when we share...
Hi squirrel. I already answered your questions. Please read my last posts 🙂
Thnak you! Regarding your question, unfortunately I have no time to edit the skin for any other resolution. Sorry….
Hi!! And thank you for your preference…after all those years 🙂 Welcome to flutskin friends!!!!Here are the answers for (almost) all of your questions: Go to player personal details panel1.xml and remove the following code <cont...
Yes. As I said before, in meantime SI fixed the bug and the option is back to the preferences 🙂
Those problems are due the screen resolution.For the first problem, my suggestion is to play using sidebar icons only (I believe your friend is using the large sidebar).For the second bug, go to kit icon53 and increase the values 34 in the following code...
In the skin there is the special scoreboard of the skin and also the default scoreboards for licensed competitions. I assume that PL scoreboard can be implemented if you have all the xmls and graphics for that. I don't intend to include any additional sco...
Please read my post in 15 Dec 2023 16:59:36
The SI already fixed that. Thus, for now, just remove the following xml and reload the game: preferences general panel.xmlAfter that you can choose your own picture in the preferences of the game.
HiMy own picture as manager is not displayed now. Untill yesterday using the code r-ID was working. Anyone know what is the problem or have also this problem?
I really don´t know. I believe the code you can test is the following: <widget class="picture" file="boxes/custom/match/commentary/bar" id="cmbi" rthr="85" colour="neutral commentary background"> <layout class="sti...
thanks! 🙂 🙂 Regarding your question, the new patch from SI removed that option (I didn't removed it). So, for use a own manager profile picture you will have to add your own picture to the "player picture folder" with the ID of you as a manag...
Rename your normal TV logo (that one you want to use) as eleven and the @2x as eleven@2xPlace it in icons/tv logos (overwriting the originals) done 🙂
The xml which controls the commentary is the match commentary.xml
Go to player additional attributes panel.xml and change <widget class="attribute_label" alignment="centre,can_scale" colour="black" style="semi_bold" use_attribute_colour_as_bg="true" size="10" appearance="boxes/custom/attributes/paper" heig...
@Qvordrup. Thank you for your explanation. However, the link for the pack I placed here (and which I already removed considering your post) is a pack I used from years. I really don't know if I downloaded it from here or from other FM site, since, I...
Well, I really don't know where you can find a pack with this kind of config. Thus, the best I can do is to share with you one of my packs. Here is the link. Please, let me know when you download it, since I have to delete it because it uses lots of space...
First of all you should know if the IDs are correct. If you did as you told me, I suspect that is no correct. You told me that you changed “stadium” for “team”. Well, it seems you used the stadium IDs and you should use the club IDs, not the Stadium IDs.&...
764 is the code of what?
Please open each one of the configs in those two folders, copy one of the lines and place here.
Hi Kfnielsen Try to remove the player attributes panel for scouting centre.xml (placed in the player folder of the skin). Don't forget to reload the game.
For the stadium be displayed nehind the player box, you should choose “player flut stadium” in the drop down arrow on the top right of the box (near the back kit) and you should have a stadiums pack with the config like the following (using the club ID).&...
Guys, please keep calm.Brolic, your problem is solved which is the most relevant here. Indeed, you are not the only one asking questions before read the skin presentation and mainly the before read the notes I highlight and the read me files. I know that,...
Hi.You should edit the first line of code in the match score area panel.xml, increasing the width value. In that code line you can find a comment explaining what you should do (I highlighted it below in red): <panel width="1720" > <!--...
Hi and thanks 🙂Regarding your question, I believe I understood it. However, I really don't know the answer. Sorry….Maybe you can post the question in the SI Forum.
Hi.I included a read me file .pdf explaining how should be the configs for stadiums. Plaese read it. Is the read me 4 - Stadium CONFIGS Flutskin FM.
HiAs I said in the skin presentation, please read the read me files. I included a read me file.pdf explaining how you can solve that problem.
Hi. Yes is possible. However, increasing that header (as in the screenshot you sent) will interfere with many panels in news panel, which are adapted in their dimensions (namely the height) to the current header height….Beyond lots of work to adjust them,...
Well. Everything is okay in my game. Thus, I can't help you. Sorry. Try to clear the cache, exit the game, keep this skin only in the skins folder of the game and reload it.
Those alts are related to the V5 style of FlutSkin for FM23. I left those alts in the pack because I believe they work and there were many people in the last season who prefer playing with that layout (however, I really didn't test them in FM24 Skin) alth...
Hi Half a transparent club logo in the background and across the front kit. I tried using the files in the skin alt folder for ‘club logo fix’ but this must be something else? - that is because you are using background left or right logos. You should...
Yes. The code has removed and the old code doesn't work. So, for use a own manager profile picture you will have to add your own picture to the "player picture folder" with the ID of you as a manager. According an explanation in Skinning Hodeout forum, si...
To the best of my knowledge, yes. There is a bug in the reserves availability, when we try to set all players (in inbox panel) but that bug is not related to the skin since it also happens in the default skin.
Hi.Go to match incidents left score.xml and also match incidents right score.xml and in the 2nd code of match incidents left score.xml change left for paper2. Do the same for the match incidents right score.xml, changing “right” for paper2. Exit the game...
That is not related to the skin. When you start a new game you should change that option (I don't remember exactly if you have to “tick” or “untick” the option related to that; however is easy to find that option)
Thanks Dexter Hovis! And also thank you for your donation!!!! 🙂