flut Activity
@alien88216 you can do it easily. Do the followingin the header of inbox panel, place the mouse below the last text line - now the ID (also the DoB) of that person will be displayed click with the right button of the mouse and choose copychoos...
Thank you bartdude, my friend!! 🙂
Hi all I haven't had time available to edit the skin, however I made some changes. So, now you can download the version 4.0.Here are screenshots of the main changes:
Hi and thanks.Regarding your question, maybe you can try to directly ask to Qvordrup since is Qvordrup who usually update the pack because he have the metallic template. The other question, I really didn't understand, sorry. Could you show a screensh...
These values are in a scale ranging from 0 to 20. For example 16 represents the current ability (is very good although not excellent). Regarding Potential ability, 18-20 means that the higher value of potential for this player could be 20, but will not be...
THnaks! 🙂Could you please show a screenshot presenting exactly the panel you want to change?
HiCould you please show a screenshot clearly showing the problem you are talking about? Thanks.
Showing where?
Thanks 🙂Regarding your question, you can try to use a different font for kit names (with a stroke/outline). As I remember, the file is kit name.fontxml
Taht font (flut) is only used in that panel.
Hi.Thanks.For changing that font you should edit it in titlebar search panel.xml, located in panels/generic
Is in the match folder of the skin.
Hi Dexter Are you talking about the button? Look on the left side of the panel (here is a screenshot with the button manage - Gerir in portuguese language)
Hi You can change the font in match team stats popup4.xml Change <record id="Pmtc" auto_hide_priority="1800" width="110" alignment="centre,can_scale"/> for <record id="Pmtc" auto_hide_priority="1800" width="110" font="the...
HiIf the suggestions of Bartdude don't work, the problem is due your screen resolution. Consider using one of the alts I included in the pack (alts 3, 14 or 16) since they are made in order to solve the problems arised in match titlebar in screen resoluti...
Hi Copywriter. I removed the special skin introduction since if we want to edit a manager directly from this panel (using the edit button) the panels to choose the manager characteristics will not be displayed….
Hi. You're absolutely right. Now its done and it will be included in the next version of the skin.
Sure 🙂 Here, for the main title <widget class="text" id="sect" font="match report scoref" alignment="left, centre_y,can_scale" size="28" style="bold" multiline="false" auto_size="horizontal" wants_mouse_events="false" dont_give_d...
Thanks for the suggestion. However, as you know the skin already have the ID button in titlebar which permits to show and copy the IDs. Thus, I donn't intend to include that option you showed me. Thanks anyway, of course.
HiYou can edit the font in titlebar search panel.xml, located in panels/generic folder of the skin.
Sorry.I don't know why, but I put here the wrong files.Use these two.
Hi and Happy New YearRegarding you questions:The ticket for Bundesliga is not there because it is in the licensed leagues. Thus, when you play in bundesliga the bundesliga ticket is the only one displayed.Use these files
Hi.Go to match team news panel.xml, located in panels/match/comps/eng/efl and change the white colour in this piece of code <container> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" apply_...
If there isn't there maybe there is a conflict in your game. Clear the cache, keep only this skin version in the skins folder of the game, exit the game and reload it.
You just have to click on the title bar (for example in the clock) and that box will disappear.
That column still is there….
Here are the files (including the other one for news feed). Place the competition xmls in the competition folder and the news feed xml in the human folder.And yes, this files will be included as alts for the next version.
The code you should edit is between lines 74 and 316.
Great you like it. I noticed that I forgot tp remove the name of the user /Flut Flick). You can use your name there. Just search for Flut Flick in the xml I sent you (and change it for your name/nick)
Regarding the first question you just have to search for the current names in player overview panel.xml and changing it with the name you want use.The second problem is due your screen resolution. Is not so easy to help you, since you should edit many cod...
For social feed use this files. Place the graphic in graphics/boxes/twiter and the xmls in panels/human
HiYou can use a black background changing newspage for 9 in the following code of competition news panel.xml and in news feed panel.xml <widget class="picture" file="backgrounds/newspage" id="bgnd"> <boolean id="scale_pictu...
Merry ChristmasEverything is okay in my game. Maybe there is a conflict in your game. Clear de cache, exit the game, keep only this skin version in the skins folder of the game and reload it.
Place the colour name where is “primary”. If you don't want to use colours already known, you can create a rgb colour and give it a name. Include it in the settings.xml with a similar code of the following and do: red_replacement="the name of the colour y...
Hi. The “news” are not the inbox but “Nieuws” panel. That panel you showed in your screenshot is the inbox panel 🙂
Are you talking about the multiple boxes or the background?
If you are using the grey pack but didn't change tanything in this bar that is happens since the font is always white. Thus, if you want to change the colour of this bar, open the client object browser.xml and change it in the following code (now is defin...
For all Flutskin's friends I wish you great holidays and leave my Christmas gift: the Flutskin - version 3.0. Enjoy it! Happy holidays and happy new year!!! All the bestFlut
For hidden attributes be displayed you should have the IGE (in game editor from SI) .
Place it in the human folder. panels/human
Try this one (place it in the human folder of the skin)
HiCould you please put a screenshot with the entire panel?
Thanks.Replace it with this one.
Thanks. And can you send me the player additional attributes panel3.xml?
Hummm. There is something weird there. Please send me your player scout reports analysis subpanel.xml
Go to match commentary.xml and change the value in the following code <integer id="size" value="20" />
Go to yacs information.xml and remove the following code <widget class="label" alignment="can_scale,centre" font="title" background_colour="red"> <translation id="text" translation_id="314426" type="use" value="Ability[COMM...
Go to player overview big selector panel1.xml (located in panels folder) and remove the following code <widget class="person_personal_information_panel" id="ypin" file="player/abilityinformation1" late_loading="true"> ...