kwiatek23 Activity
[quote name='mons' user_id='3076' id='460398' timestamp='1546079688']
Good spot - will be rectified shortly
This is the 3rd time you've posted this in the last couple of weeks and every time I've replied...
I downloaded facitaks sortitoutsi all parts pasted in accordance with the instructions and nothing, maybe the macbook pro does not go !! and as for this, I am asking for instructions in turn
How to change adware patch v 1.0 on v 1.4 !!!!
I installed face pack fm 19 and nothing if the macbook pro works like this please for the instuctions
XML parsing error!: not well-formed (invalid token) at line 65 of panels/tactics/tactics icon preview info panel9
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" app...
Who will help me how to install adboards fm 19 on the macbook pro in turn ???/
[quote name='mons' user_id='3076' id='458363' timestamp='1544885172']
Why do you have 6 graphics folders? You should only have 1 with everything in.
The graphics6 folder you took the screenshot of seems to only hav...
I downloaded out new 19 megapack and unpacked it and installed it according to the instructions on macbook pro and nothing !!!
when a new TV logo
I have no flut t-shirts in the box in the skin
please new logo tv sports on skin
Have a new logo tv in the skin
kits they walk me only the third kind League of Polish aid
kits they walk me only the third kind League of Polish aid
kits in my skin it is not
all is well just me not indicate kits, stadiums and cities are help
plik jest zarazony
crash dump fm 16 Help
I have a problem, I have the original fm 16 and did I crash dump
Please kits france espania 15/16
jeszcze zeby bandy zrobil nowe
When mega pack kits fm 15
Jak je zainstalowac
Kits pack fm 15 please
troche za jasne litery przy wywiadach np w tunelu , ale po za tym bardzo dobra
KIEDY kids France
Prosze for me wytlumaczyc step by step as wkleic shoes because robie and othing
PLIZZ jak je wkleic do fm 14
czy one dzialaja w fm14 a jak tak to jak je wkleic
Prosze powiedzcie mi co mam zrobic bo chce ten skin , moze sciagnac 1 skin
pomocy zainstalowalem i nic .Moze nic z tego nie bedzie bo juz gram w gre a to trzeba zaczac gre od poczatku .Pomocy jak zain...
sciagnalem rozpakowalem i nic , moze nic nie bedzie bo juz gram a nie
nie moge wlaczyc logos tv .pobieram i nis mozesz pomoc