Women's football is coming to FM25. Start discovering the best players by playing in our WSL Fantasy League (code fyBsyUaS) and WSL Prediction League and you could Win a copy of FM25.
misterbraygaming Activity
@MikeNevoFM this looks great mate. any plans for kits and logos? I have a lot of source material available if so…
Sam Johnson's Date of Birth at Anstey Nomads is incorrect.
That sounds like a great idea mate. I am sure that the corrections would be alright to do because like you said, there is quite a number of errors in there. Should be fine mate
What year you trying to do it for mate? It does take time because you’re removing a lot of history at once.
No idea mate as I didn't create the database.
No idea mate as I didn't create the database.
I think if you stick it in the editor then you can change the currency for the pound from 1.000 to 2.000 that should double the value of each player.
I've changed mine from 1.000 to 0.350 to make it more in line with 1997.
I appreciate that an awful lot mate I will keep you posted if I need a hand with anything, do you have Twitter by the way? Also, can you let me know when you've uploaded them to that page please mate.
Hi Ian,
Yes I know how you can send them to me. If you upload them onto this page: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZVU_Cn6Tm2Av_WK5nj5pbR4O5PdUJE7I?usp=sharing
Then I should be able to access them from there If you have faces or logos as we...
Just wondered a few things.
Does anyone know of any retro databases out there?
I currently know about these ones:
The Mad Scientist 1967-68
The Mad Scientist 1995-96
The Mad Scientist 2003-04
The Mad Scientist 2006-07
1997-98 for FM 18.
Does anybody...