18 years ago
2 months ago
Surely you have the urge now and again to move around and get your heart pumping, whether thats playing football going for a jog or lifting some weights.


That would mean getting sweaty and smelly, having my calves cramp up and turn my saliva turn into some thick, blood-flavoured paste. Simply put exercise makes me feel like shit.

I get that in the long run it's good for me, but why would I waste 30 to 90 minutes of my day doing something that makes me feel horrendous and gives me no enjoyment when I could read a book, watch a film or play games instead?

No its just laziness.

Get off your fucking pedestal.
15 years ago
7 years ago

That would mean getting sweaty and smelly, having my calves cramp up and turn my saliva turn into some thick, blood-flavoured paste. Simply put exercise makes me feel like shit.

I get that in the long run it's good for me, but why would I waste 30 to 90 minutes of my day doing something that makes me feel horrendous and gives me no enjoyment when I could read a book, watch a film or play games instead?

Why not do both?

It sounds like you've thrown up some mental barriers that you can overcome. Crack some ebooks on your iPod, stick an exercise bike in front of your TV, do some press ups when you wake up in the morning. To start of with it doesn't have to be anything too intense.

I guess you've actually inadvertently answered my question though, its hard to change your lifestyle and make changes even if you know eventually they'll make you feel better about yourself. I think thats the exact reason I can't comprehend not doing exercise because its part of my daily routine and the thought of changing that is weird.
15 years ago
4 months ago
They appear in most videos as well if not all so that's brilliant bud. Are you going to do the full 60 days as planned out? I quickly realized I wouldn't be able to stick to the calender, so I just pick out whichever ones I want to do. Done a good few of the max videos recently, and I like the Insanse Abs vid and pure cardio too. I've his new training videos as well, the t25's. They're workouts that last just 25 min but no breaks. Equally as effective!

Going to try my best to stick to it. Need to cut out the tabs and majorly cut down the drinking though.
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago
How do you physically not do exercise for coming on 3 years?

I feel disgusting going a week without doing something. End up in a really fowl mood too.

Not judging or anything, just don't understand.

I'm not saying I didn't do exercise - I played Sunday league football every weekend, trained during the week and used the gym a fair bit - but at the same time I smoked a hell of a lot, ate a ton of takeaways and drank a decent(ish) amount of booze. I'm not too bad now but I did put on some weight and obviously the smoking has it's effects, although I barely do it at all now.

I just found it too easy to eat like shit and smoke during university, even though I did exercise a fair bit.
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago
Easy. Working out is boring as fuck.

This, as well. I've just started working from 9:00-5:30, meaning I'm up at 8:00 and won't be home until 6:00. I'm planning on joining a gym once my first paycheck comes through, but I'm already thinking how damn hard it will be to motivate myself to work out once I finish an eight-hour shift. It's already dark by that time and all I want to do is get home, watch some TV and relax in the evening.

I'm going to force myself to do it, but it doesn't half feel like a chore.
15 years ago
7 years ago
This, as well. I've just started working from 9:00-5:30, meaning I'm up at 8:00 and won't be home until 6:00. I'm planning on joining a gym once my first paycheck comes through, but I'm already thinking how damn hard it will be to motivate myself to work out once I finish an eight-hour shift. It's already dark by that time and all I want to do is get home, watch some TV and relax in the evening.

I'm going to force myself to do it, but it doesn't half feel like a chore.

Allow yourself to get into a routine with it.

It's ridiculous how much of an effect that has. It's a bit like when you're at Uni compared to work. Getting up for 9 AM to get into work sucks, but I've never been late to a job that starts at that time. Yet when I have to get up for a 9AM lecture one time a week my body fights me about it.

It's the same thing for going to the gym. Motivate yourself to go, for example, 3 times a week at 6 o clock on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays and then watch as your body changes from being 'The gyms shit why are we in the gym?' to 'It's 6 o clock on a Friday, why are you at home? You should go to the gym'
18 years ago
2 months ago
This, as well. I've just started working from 9:00-5:30, meaning I'm up at 8:00 and won't be home until 6:00. I'm planning on joining a gym once my first paycheck comes through, but I'm already thinking how damn hard it will be to motivate myself to work out once I finish an eight-hour shift. It's already dark by that time and all I want to do is get home, watch some TV and relax in the evening.

I'm going to force myself to do it, but it doesn't half feel like a chore.

Check if you can't find a gym near your work that is open in the morning instead, is my recommendation.
12 years ago
4 years ago
I heard there was a guy doing squat lifts with a weight so heavy he shit his insides out. Never exercise, it's bad for you.
18 years ago
2 months ago
I heard there was a guy doing squat lifts with a weight so heavy he shit his insides out. Never exercise, it's bad for you.

There was, and I've seen the picture alongside a whole bunch of other horrendous things on Rotten.
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago
Allow yourself to get into a routine with it.

It's ridiculous how much of an effect that has. It's a bit like when you're at Uni compared to work. Getting up for 9 AM to get into work sucks, but I've never been late to a job that starts at that time. Yet when I have to get up for a 9AM lecture one time a week my body fights me about it.

It's the same thing for going to the gym. Motivate yourself to go, for example, 3 times a week at 6 o clock on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays and then watch as your body changes from being 'The gyms shit why are we in the gym?' to 'It's 6 o clock on a Friday, why are you at home? You should go to the gym'

I completely agree. I had to go to Croydon for four training days and that meant getting up at 6am each day - I fucking hated it, but I did it each day because I had to. Whilst I was at university I would frequently miss 10/11am lectures because my mindset was that I didn't have to get up. It's funny what you can force yourself to do when you tell yourself that you absolutely must do something.

This is only my second full week at this place so I'm still just settling in, but over the next few weeks I'll definitely start trying to get into a routine with the gym. I'm off to five-a-side in twenty minutes so I'm not that lazy...

Check if you can't find a gym near your work that is open in the morning instead, is my recommendation.

Yeah, I'll most likely give that a try, but I'm really not a morning person.
15 years ago
7 years ago
I completely agree. I had to go to Croydon for four training days and that meant getting up at 6am each day - I fucking hated it, but I did it each day because I had to. Whilst I was at university I would frequently miss 10/11am lectures because my mindset was that I didn't have to get up. It's funny what you can force yourself to do when you tell yourself that you absolutely must do something.

This is only my second full week at this place so I'm still just settling in, but over the next few weeks I'll definitely start trying to get into a routine with the gym. I'm off to five-a-side in twenty minutes so I'm not that lazy...

Yeah, I'll most likely give that a try, but I'm really not a morning person.

Exactly, I wrote you that reply this morning when I was avoiding getting out of bed to go to a 9o clock lecture.
16 years ago
2 years ago
Yeah, I'll most likely give that a try, but I'm really not a morning person.

Any 24 hour gyms around?
14 years ago
8 years ago
Get off your fucking pedestal.

Didn't mean to sound like a dick sorry. If you're happy not exercising then don't. But I was just trying to say that it makes you feel a whole lot better most of the time.
16 years ago
4 years ago
Naah Franck is just lazy
16 years ago
8 years ago

That would mean getting sweaty and smelly, having my calves cramp up and turn my saliva turn into some thick, blood-flavoured paste. Simply put exercise makes me feel like shit.

You were quite a sheltered child growing up weren't you.

Any who , running PPL after finishing 5x5. Got my Deadlift up to 185kgx4 and my squat at 140kgx2. Bench still sucks ass though.
15 years ago
7 years ago
They're good numbers.

5x5 is fucking with my body I swear. Had about a week and a half off (went to Germany) and ate like shit (read didn't bother to get enough protein and didn't eat enough) came back and then progressed easily on every single exercise including the Overhead Press which I stalled on my last time in the gym then came out of the gym barely feeling like I'd worked out.

18 years ago
2 months ago
I'm still losing weight pretty steadily, down to 107.4 kg from 114.9 when I started three weeks ago.
16 years ago
2 years ago
Found out last week that I've torn my cruciate ligament again. Just wondering if anybody has any recommendations on the best exercises to strengthen quad/hamstrings without placing to much stress on my knee. Guessing lunges, squats, leg press etc...?
15 years ago
7 years ago
It's debated.

Some people will tell you that squats are very, very good for your knees others will tell you that they will wreck them.

I think the generally accepted wisdom is that good technique squats are pretty beneficial whereas any slight flaws in technique (especially knees bowing in) can do some serious damage.

They may help but invest the time to learn how to do them properly (AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DONT USE A SMITH MACHINE)
16 years ago
2 years ago
From what I've been reading squats are probably going to be the best exercise, even if I'm not able to perform a full ROM.

Could barely even do half of what I would normally do on the leg extension machine without a lot of pain so that's almost certainly out.
16 years ago
4 years ago
Might not like the sound of it but body weight exercises would be a good start, especially helping to strengthen around them too to help balance
15 years ago
7 years ago
Full ROM isn't necessarily because of your knees, the number one problem for most people in regards to that is your hip flexors.

I'd say just do some research, watch some videos on youtube practice good technique on bodyweight squats in your own home and then (providing you go to a good gym) just have a chat with some of the people that work there tell them the situation and get them to ease you into using a barbell.

If you go to a shit 'gym' like 90% of commercial chain gyms with idiots for personal trainers then don't bother. They're not going to give you good advice anyway.

Oh and listen to your body, if your knee starts really hurting mid set just stop. You're going to achieve nothing by continuing.
16 years ago
8 years ago
They're good numbers.

5x5 is fucking with my body I swear. Had about a week and a half off (went to Germany) and ate like shit (read didn't bother to get enough protein and didn't eat enough) came back and then progressed easily on every single exercise including the Overhead Press which I stalled on my last time in the gym then came out of the gym barely feeling like I'd worked out.


You just had an unplanned but obviously well timed deload. Really can't be bothered going and gathering the full info on it but more often then not after a well executed deload you will come back stronger. The majority of powserlifters take the week of before a meet because of this.
15 years ago
4 months ago
Accidentally missed day 6 of insanity due to being in bed hungover. I was too busy on the sunday to do it, so I've just skipped it and hope not to miss any more in the future. It's not getting easier while I'm doing them, but my body isn't feeling so buggered after. It'll be interesting to see my results next monday, after 2 weeks.
18 years ago
1 month ago
I do fuck all excercise, it's glorious. Saying that I am playing a game of football tonight.
17 years ago
4 years ago
I do fuck all excercise, it's glorious. Saying that I am playing a game of football tonight.

Lucky bugger. Been out for 6 months with a knee injury. Been exercising like mad - 1km run warmup, 7 1/2 mins on 3/4 sprints, 20km on the bike, 1km run warmdown, normally taking 45 mins - to get fit on top of my physio's recommendation for building up the muscle. Seems to have got me nowhere whatsoever. That said, I'm risking it on Thursday.
12 years ago
4 years ago
Just watched behind-the-scenes on Rocky Balboa and seeing how hard Stallone can train even at that age has properly motivated me to get to the gym and sort myself out proper. The only problem is I'm having surgery on my eye on Wednesday and I'm not allowed to even bend over let alone lift anything heavy for god knows how long.
14 years ago
8 years ago
Lucky bugger. Been out for 6 months with a knee injury. Been exercising like mad - 1km run warmup, 7 1/2 mins on 3/4 sprints, 20km on the bike, 1km run warmdown, normally taking 45 mins - to get fit on top of my physio's recommendation for building up the muscle. Seems to have got me nowhere whatsoever. That said, I'm risking it on Thursday.

You'll be doing great if you can do all that in 45min, especially the cycle, even on flat terrain.
15 years ago
4 months ago
After 2 weeks of Insanity I did my second fit test, my results have improved by a canny bit on each one. 18 more power jacks, 10 more power jumps, and 16 more lower plank obliques.
14 years ago
5 years ago
Insanity really is insanity. Not a lot of gimmick to it beyond the sometimes hilariously enthusiastic guy telling you to push it and the generic modern rock soundtracks.

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