16 years ago
7 years ago
Shame Wiggins will be having his Tour De France title and Gold medal stripped in the not to distant future as well.
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
1 month ago
By DB | Permalink | On 24 October 2012 - 14:53 PM
Shame Wiggins will be having his Tour De France title and Gold medal stripped in the not to distant future as well.

Shit troll is shit.
16 years ago
7 years ago
By Telegram Sam | Permalink | On 24 October 2012 - 15:37 PM
Shit troll is shit.

Yeah the comment was bait but your almighty has come across as a bit dodgy recently. Ill try go dig up some on the info I have seen elsewhere.
Slashman X
18 years ago
10 months ago
"It is a shame that cycling is being dragged through this again really, not a shame that he has been caught - when you get older you start to realise Father Christmas doesn't exist and it is the same with Lance," says the 2012 Tour de France winner. "But it is a shame that us riders here now, we are the one picking the pieces up and having to convince people."

Fuck Bradley Wiggins
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
1 month ago
By DB | Permalink | On 24 October 2012 - 16:05 PM
Yeah the comment was bait but your almighty has come across as a bit dodgy recently. Ill try go dig up some on the info I have seen elsewhere.

Please do.
14 years ago
7 months ago
Oh god, if it turned out that Wiggins and pals had been doping... that would be the greatest day ever. I'd gorge myself on media that day.
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
1 month ago
By Fantastic | Permalink | On 24 October 2012 - 23:26 PM
Oh god, if it turned out that Wiggins and pals had been doping... that would be the greatest day ever. I'd gorge myself on media that day.

Why? Do you hate him?
14 years ago
7 months ago
By Telegram Sam | Permalink | On 24 October 2012 - 23:36 PM
Why? Do you hate him?

No, but it would be hilarious.
16 years ago
7 years ago
By Telegram Sam | Permalink | On 24 October 2012 - 23:02 PM
Please do.

Short answer: No

But I have been wrong before. The only time I have been gutted by a doping case was when Bernard Kohl was popped. Kohl taught me to not get too attached to anyone.

Longer answer: dunno
Sky and Wiggins have a lot of inconsistencies that they are either deliberately covering up, or were just incompetently naive and have left the door to doubt wide open.
When the CERA scandal happened (Because WADA was used to test - the UCI was locked out of the process) Wiggins openly wanted to have all dopers whipped in the town square. Come 2009 when Armstrong came back he went quiet and said a lot of 'Isn't he great' statements and refused to talk doping.

Last month he was all 'It was 10 years ago, I never raced against Lance' despite the fact in '09 Lance finished 3rd and Wiggo 4th and in '10 Lance finished 24th and Wiggo 25th. Now he's shocked but 'eventually we all grow up and find out Santa Claus isn't real.'

Sky loudly proclaimed they wouldn't employ any doper doctors, staff and riders and yet they employed
* Michael Barry - testified to doping while on USPostal
* Bobby Jurich - resigned a couple of hours ago for doping in the 90s
* Sean Yates - popped for testosterone in 1989 (and 'didn't see a thing, I just drove the car' while with USPostal)
* Dr Gert Leinders - Sacked from Rabobank some years back for doping riders (contract 'not renewed' with Sky for next season)

Sky have still refused to come forward with any information about that bandaid on Wiggins arm after the TT - they say it was a blood test, but if it was, it didn't fit the testing protocols about who gets blood tested and when the tests take place.

Sky spent a lot of training time in the Canary Islands, which in the past was deliberately used by teams because of the difficulty it presents for the out-of-race testers to get to the riders without warning.

All these things might be innocent, but if they are, then they are bone headedly stupidly naive.


Wiggins has lost a lot of weight and has not suffered a power loss... might be physiologically kosher, but people are asking questions.

But then again, there is AICAr. Its in the peloton, and it is undetectable. Anyone associated with Dr Ferrari wont be on AICAr because even a shit-bag like him refused to administer it.
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
1 month ago
You can tell that has been written by someone who has a clear dislike of Wiggins and Team Sky and is looking for the smallest things to try and implicate him and the team in something. An unexplained band-aid is your proof?

Try harder next time and you won't come across as quite so bitter.
16 years ago
7 years ago
You couldn't be more wrong.

First of all I was clearly winding you up previously. I hope he didn't dope for the sake of cycling.

Secondly, the guy that posted that loves cycling and hates everything around doping. He was just answering a question in regards to does he think Wiggins is doping which he thinks no.. Just because some suspect issues have been raised does not mean the poster is anti sky and Wiggins ffs.

6 odd months ago those type of things could be laughed away but with everything that has come out recently they just seem a bit more 'suspect' then usual. Especially the association with the dodgy characters in the team.
15 years ago
7 years ago
Yeah, I'm with DB.

It's ridiculous to assume any rider is clean, and things like that will lead to suspicion in a sport which has bought all this on to itself.

The likelihood is Wiggins is clean, but you can't be 100% sure.
15 years ago
1 week ago
By Ninja | Permalink | On 26 October 2012 - 18:15 PM
Yeah, I'm with DB.

It's ridiculous to assume any rider is clean, and things like that will lead to suspicion in a sport which has bought all this on to itself.

The likelihood is Wiggins is clean, but you can't be 100% sure.

Out of curiosity do you apply the same logic to Italian domestic football. Is it ridiculous to assume any game in Italy isn't fixed?

I think Wiggins is clean, but you're right that you can't say 100%. But the same is true for any proffessional athlete really, you can't say for sure any of them aren't doping.
15 years ago
7 years ago
By Pippadoc | Permalink | On 26 October 2012 - 18:21 PM
Out of curiosity do you apply the same logic to Italian domestic football. Is it ridiculous to assume any game in Italy isn't fixed?

I think Wiggins is clean, but you're right that you can't say 100%. But the same is true for any proffessional athlete really, you can't say for sure any of them aren't doping.

Same logic.

Likelihood is the match isn't fixed, but if it turns out it is it's hardly going to be surprising. Ridiculous to assume that there is no chance a match isn't being fixed.

Although Cycling has had a far bigger problem with doping than Italian football has had with match fixing.
13 years ago
1 year ago
Felt this had to be shared.

Telegram Sam
16 years ago
1 month ago
No-one can say with 100% confidence that they know one way or the other, but I am as certain as it is possible to be as an onlooker that Wiggins is clean. I just can't see it and there is little evidence to even suggest he isn't, and I believe it is far more logical to consider him clean unless proved otherwise, rather than assume he's guilty with little evidence to back that up. Cycling has come a long, long way since Armstrong's era and I have absolute confidence in Team Sky and Wiggins in particular.
15 years ago
4 years ago
We can't be 100% DB doesn't use steroids.
King Luis
18 years ago
8 months ago
Cant be 100% sure hes not a raving homosexual
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
1 month ago
By King Luis | Permalink | On 26 October 2012 - 20:43 PM
Cant be 100% sure hes not a raving homosexual

Test results show that it's actually pretty likely. You don't see anal inflammation like that too much.
16 years ago
1 year ago
Cadel Evans met this famous Dr Ferrari.

Wonder if he's doped.

Just a quick question as well, has anybody read the USADA report? Haven't really had time to read a 1,000 page report but what evidence did they uncover/have? Is it just sworn testimonies from team-mates or do they have other stuff?
King Luis
18 years ago
8 months ago
By K3V0 | Permalink | On 26 October 2012 - 23:55 PM
Cadel Evans met this famous Dr Ferrari.

Wonder if he's doped.

Just a quick question as well, has anybody read the USADA report? Haven't really had time to read a 1,000 page report but what evidence did they uncover/have? Is it just sworn testimonies from team-mates or do they have other stuff?

Ive read all the Affidavits, and some of the report. They had a shit ton of evidence including emails from Ferrari to Lance and vise verse, then when Ferrari was banned they had emails between Lance and Ferrari's son. Also had bank statements of Ferrari's that had about 1 million coming from Lance, all in all it was entirely damning.
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
1 month ago
Bradley Wiggins, winner of the Tour de France this summer, is in hospital after a crash on a Lancashire road, according to a report. The 32-year-old, who also won gold in the time trial at this summer's London Games, was involved in a collision with a van in Wrightington, close to his home in Eccleston, near Chorley.

Wiggins is believed to have broken several ribs and suffered hand and wrist injuries, reports the Lancashire Evening Post.

The incident happened at 6pm when a white van pulled off a filling station forecourt and collided with the cyclist.

A garage attendant, Yasmin Smith, who rushed to the champion's aid, was quoted as saying: "By the time I got there he had moved to a safer place but was still on the ground and he was in a lot of pain.

"He said he thought he had broken his ribs and, while a lot of police cars arrived, it was about 15 minutes before the ambulance got there by which time he was blue."

A Lancashire Police spokesman confirmed they had attended the incident.

Fingers crossed a few broken ribs are the worst of it.
13 years ago
8 years ago
Just read it there. Hope he's OK.

By the way, Winter is setting in and with school and everything it'll be to dark for me to go cycling after school ... Anyone know where I could buy a cheap stand so I can cycle in doors? I complemented the idea of buying one of those indoor bikes but I think a stand would be cheaper. Any ideas?

And where can I buy a good helmet, regardless of the price?
King Luis
18 years ago
8 months ago
Just talking to an old school friend and turns out she knows John Tiernan Locke, pretty awesome. Getting me a few signed bits from Sky
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
1 month ago
Shane Sutton's been knocked off of his bike as well now. Sounds a lot more serious than Wiggins' injury.

British cycling head coach Shane Sutton has been diagnosed with bleeding on the brain after a bike crash in Manchester.

It happened the morning after Bradley Wiggins fractured a rib in a separate incident near Wigan in Lancashire.

British Cycling director Martin Gibbs told BBC Sport: "[Shane's] had a severe knock but he should be fine."

Meanwhile, a British Cycling spokesman stated: "We call on the government to put cycling at the heart of transport policy to ensure cycle safety."

British Cycling wants cycle safety to be "built into the design of all new roads, junctions and transport projects, rather than being an afterthought".

Australian Sutton, 55, was involved in an incident while cycling along the A6 in Manchester suburb Levenshulme on Thursday morning.

On Wednesday evening, Tour de France winner and four-time Olympic champion Wiggins, was knocked off his bike near a petrol station.

Gibbs continued: "These incidents do remind you that we've got a long way to go we need to look to our cousins abroad and [Denmark capital] Copenhagen and see what they've done.

"Around 30% of people making journeys there do so on their bike. We need the department of transport to stop thinking of cycling as an add-on.

"Nine out of 10 British cycling members have a car. It has to be about more mutual respect looking out for each other. We mustn't make this a sort of tribal battle."

The British Cycling spokesman added: "It is extremely rare that our riders and coaches are hurt while out cycling on the road, even rarer that two incidents should occur in a short space of time, and we wish Shane and Bradley a speedy recovery.

"Shane was taken into hospital where it was identified he has suffered bruising and bleeding on the brain

"Shane was wearing a helmet. He is set to undergo more tests, and is likely to stay in hospital for the next few days.

"Cycling is not an intrinsically dangerous activity but there is much more to be done to improve conditions for cyclists on the roads."
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
1 month ago
Bradley Wiggins - A Year In Yellow has just started on Sky Atlantic.
King Luis
18 years ago
8 months ago
Just booked the channel tunnel for next April, going over for Paris-Roubaix. Cant wait for the new season to start, tempted to book the tunnel and go over for The Tour of Flanders and Kuurne-Brussels-Kuurne as well. Cant get enough
13 years ago
8 years ago
Are you cycling over? When does the new season begin?
King Luis
18 years ago
8 months ago
By Sears | Permalink | On 24 November 2012 - 13:11 PM
Are you cycling over? When does the new season begin?

Nah driving, will take my bike though.

First race is the Tour down under in January

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