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One thing I would like to request is that you remove the match highest earner clauses from Van Persie's and Rooney's contracts.
There is no suggestion anywhere when signing Van Persie that Rooney had this clause in his contract. Its pure speculation from the United researcher and clauses like this kill the game. Especially when that kind of wage is involved. Same goes for Van Persie requesting this clause in his contract when he signed. Its silly. So imo they both should be removed.
Researchers shouldnt be allowed to add such clauses to real life players as its pure speculation. Having the option for the user to include in contract negotiations is great when they are conducting them themselves, but a researcher does not have access to a contract detail this importand and shouldnt just be allowed to guess and throw clauses in willy nilly but thats another argument.
Also Rooney being on 300k p/w is wrong as far as I know. When he signed his new contract, apparently it was just a raise in his image rights which bumped his contract up, not his basic wage. So his wage should be put back to the 220k p/w or whatever it was prior to his new contract. I'll try my best to find where I read this as proof but ultimately its down to you at the end of the day. Just trying to make it more realistic
Davide Petrucci was released and joined Cluj but that was only confirmed today and you probably know already
Thank you and KUTGW
I have now updated these, the latest copy of the update is available now on Steam, as well as all my league packs .
Here's a link regarding Rooney's contract just as a bit of proof to back up what ive said. Contract Article
Above quote taken from the article.
Thank you for listening to my suggestions