Metallic Logos Pack
Our Football Manager Metallic Logos Pack contains thousands more Club and Competition logos than any other megapack out there and every National Logo, Continental Logo and Flag in the game. It's kept regularly up to date to ensure you always have best and latest Logos to make Football Manager even more attractive.
- 432,610
- 2025.04 - Released on 04 Feb 2025
![Metallic Logos Pack](
Okay, I think i undestand part of your problem so I'll deal with that first.
The config file is updated from my master folder every update and thats how I've done it ever since I started, so it contains every club that I have made a logo for - if a club changes logo it makes no difference at all providing the id remains the same.
Now if you see the default logo that means the config is working but no logo is in the folder so that is what one of you're problems is - to fix that you need to do a folder search by simply typing the id number into the search box and seeing if anything comes up.
I'll have to read your post a few times before the rest of the information sinks in as I just can't fully understand what you mean right now, but we'll get to the bottom of it eventually.
Roots Reggae Library
First of all, thanks for you optimism
Second, I do understand that my formulation of the problem was not exactly the best imaginable.
I understand, as long as the id remains the same there is no need to update the config, all that changes is the logo in the graphic folder which will be automatically taken into FM. That part works fine for FM13 as well as for FM14 (Universitario de Pando example in my previous post).
Now the problem is with the 'second category'. Teams that got their first logo in one of the updates. Sticking to the example of JS Piton of my previous post. Their ID is the same in FM13 and FM14. I have included a screenshot showing that their logo is present in the graphic folder.
In order to find out more, would it be possible to make a folder 'graphics' containing all subfolders, not with club/competition/national logos but including all 'config' files? I assume that once you took all your existing Metallic Logos from FM13 and made v1 for FM14 you have done that as well. Installing v1 for FM14 on FM13 works fully.
If that does not work, I assume that v1 for FM14 works on FM13 only because those were all images rightly configured as 2013.v13 and used as 2014v1 and that whenever a change is made for 2014, this 'updated config file' only works for FM14, but does not change things if used for FM13. That would mean that in order to use Metallic Logos 2014v10 on FM13 you'd need a special config file that only works on FM13.
I hope the whole thing is easier to understand now, after breaking it down. If not, please tell me what other screenshots you'd need to look into to problem. I appreciate everything you do man, thanks!
thanks mate, appreciate it
I think I get it now
The Piton id first appears in FM14 update 9 - it had no logo or config entry before that so if you use the latest config in your FM13 it should work fine.
Also FM13 +all updates became FM14 V1 and as such work fine in both versions - actually if you look at the properties of some logos you see they go back nearly 5 years so they work in all versions of FM as the games folder structure has remained unchanged afaik.
Roots Reggae Library
And that is why I am coming to you with this issue. It should, but it doesn't.
You said it works for different versions, but what you have effectively done is move everything forward, not backward.
The logo pack from FM12 + updates work on FM13.
The logo pack from FM13 + updates work on FM14.
But do the updates from FM13 work on FM12?
And in my case, do the updates of FM14 work on FM13? Apparently, they do not.
Back to JS Piton, as I have unpacked the update, I also have the latest config files, correct?
There is a screenshot to confirm.
Maybe you could also re-install/open FM13 and move your latest FM14 graphics folder to the FM13 graphics folder to see for yourself whether it does or does not config the JS Piton logo (for instance).
If it does work, I have done something wrong.
If it does not it confirms that moving updated graphics with first time logos (such as JS Piton) back to older versions is 'incompatible'.
I understand this is frustrating, but can you go through this checklist for me because to me it looks like the logo is missing as the metallic default is showing even though it is in the folder.
All i can think of is the cache...have you made sure the cache box in preferences is unticked and also the 'reload skin on comfirm' box is also ticked.
I don't have FM13 installed so I cant check but we will try this step first.
Roots Reggae Library
Skin cache was the problem.
Sorry to have bothered you for so long.
At least I am tremendously excited for installing v10 now
Thanks again man, and keep up your brilliant work!
edt: Instead, let me make myself useful. Where do I post missing logos? In the request thread right?
Yep just post them up and they all get done - just glad you've got sorted
It's in Request pack 1 which is here
cheers mate
Something was brought to my attention about the Gibraltar flag not working and upon investigation I found it and Holland have a team logo config in the program/graphics fmf file that there is no way around unless you remove it, which would be pretty pointless as Steam would just put it back again at some point.
The only option left therefore is to have new configs for the nation logos and flags, so I have made a new flag folder with the required name changes and a new team config for the nations folder. However, if you like the nations logo displayed instead of the flags then this will not be possible with the new config so if you like it how you have it right now then you're gonna have to do some manual fiddling around. I would suggest making a backup by copy/pasting your flag folder and your nations/normal config to a safe location and replace them as necessary.
Sorry for the messing about, but it's the only way to get around it.
Roots Reggae Library
I've just installed Windows and everything and now i have 36.192 club logos. I'm wondering if I miss something.
Yes, as mentioned above Update 11 is out now and the club folder is now a tad over 36,000 - just to see how far we've come the number on my oldest complete set from FM10 is 16,478 so it's more than doubled in 5 years or so and as you have all given so much in the way of resources, give yourselves a pat on the back for that
Anyway, about 900 new and updated ones this month across too many nations to mention lol - extract the file as usual to your Docs/Sports Interactive folder and accept all overwrites. Remember to read the caveat in the post earlier about the new flags otherwise install as normal - tbh theres no point in fighting progress sometimes so it looks like this layout is how it's gonna have to be for the future.
Thanks as usual to everyone who contributed, and also to the guys (and gals) over at VFLnet, Weltfussbalarchiv and scudetteitalia for quite a few of this months content - couldn't do it without y'all.
Download Update 11 Now
By the way, there is one tiny mistake, MLS Rivalry Competitions correct ID is 209944, but in the new update that logo(new MLS one) has the ID 209444.
Ice Man
I've been searching for a while but to no avail - have you got an updated Salford City logo? If so, what update is it under?
Thank you
Do you intend to release next update for FM2015 as torrent?