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Yeah but its not like they have world class attackers. I don't know much about Arsenal, but surely it would be better to play Bellerin at RB and put Chambers in CB instead of Monreal? Still, at least you're pretty much through to the knockouts anyway.
Based Jorge
Prefer Monreal at CB at the moment to Mertesacker tbh.
Its the whole team defensively from front to back, no one has any idea how to just play out a result and shut up shop. We didn't even deserve to be in front as Anderlecht had the better of the chances early on and caused us trouble all game. I knew from the way we started it was gonna be close but at 3-0 up you shouldn't throw it away against any opposition, but we managed it.
Mertesacker is awful, Monreal is awful, Chambers isn't a right back (got constantly caught out of position tonight), you may like Arteta but he doesn't offer anywhere near enough protection imo, in fact we really need to play with 2 defensive midfielders as everyone other than the center backs just bomb forward all game every game. Though seeing as we couldn't bring one in i think asking for two is pushing it, the squad is so unbalanced its laughable.
Even in the games we won this season we wasn't great and we've somehow gotten a hole lot worse than last year.
Looking at RM players in the tunnel after the break, all so relaxed like they were playing a friendly with some amateurs, made me ashamed I was a supporter of Liverpool
PS: Last night we deserved the nickname Loserpool, not because how the boys played, but because how the manager treated the match.
So what does he do now on Saturday? Revert back to the players who have let him down recently after seeing some of the fringe players play well? Think its made it even tougher for himself the fact that some of the players played very well.
Then he commented on Gary Linekars remark saying that he shouldn't say anything because hes never managed.
Marca went with the headline of 'little more than a friendly'.
Big game for Man City tonight, think it will be a routine win.
Slashman X
City will win 3-2, goal in last minute
Slashman X
Slashman X
Slashman X
Slashman X
Yeah, he just appears to think he's wearing white.
Slashman X
Never thought I'd say this, but I agree. Kolo was one of our best players last night.
Not sure why Rodgers is getting so much stick, yeah I know we lost but the team he put out put out a very respectable performance. It wasn't exactly a case of fielding a second string side, the players who were benched haven't exactly been in form lately. Thing is if he changes it back for Chelsea and we get beat hell get a lot of criticism again, but I don't see us getting a result vs Chelsea no matter who plays.
Also City
Slashman X
Slashman X
Slashman X
Slashman X
Slashman X