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Anyone able to give some advice on using a card abroad? I'm going Germany on the 1st of June for 2 months, so need like £1000 but taking it all in cash seems like just a bad idea. Main card on Barclays, 3% fee for using it abroad, is that decent or are there better options?
Actually found this but trying to find the catch? The only thing I found is the FX-withdrawall fee of 2.5 percent, am I right in thinking this is only, say I get a Euro filled card, it will only charge this when I try to buy something in UK/non euro currency?
Seems way to sweet a deal..
What sort of grammar? How advanced are you now? I'm sure you've passed and at least you got to do it in the end haha.
Speaking of French, the 3 hour French written exam I did this morning marks the end of my time at university and education as a whole
Verb conjugation, I had 15 questions on passé composé, futur simple and some other category I can't even remember. I'd be delighted if I got even 3 of them right. Wasn't expecting any grammar questions at all, instead I ended up with 50 grammar questions, twice as many as for the reading comprehension which is what I am good at.
And I think I'm somewhere between a very strong A2 speaker and a weak B1 on the CEFR scale. Far from fluent but pretty good for ~6 weeks of studying.
I worked for a bank in Australia and the fee can vary between 2.5% and 4% depending on Visa/Mastercard. 3% isn't bad... It's better to be a little bit in fees because you're using atms to take your money out, rather than lose all that cash and be fucked. Also if you're going for 2 months try get another card for that account or have another accounts incase you lose your atm card or an atm takes it.
Slashman X
Get on here and there will be a bit about travelling abroad with money. From what I remember you can get a prepaid debit card for Euros and you just use that.
Eric Portapotty
Worse than AIDS?
I know the feeling.
If you can't sleep I suggest doing something that'll keep you from thinking too much, like playing video games or going for a jog, or listening to a podcast.
King Luis
Or masturbating.
Slashman X
King Luis
Do you know from experience?
King Luis
Fucking nightmare mate
Slashman X
Voting on gay marriage? If it passes then you and Kevo can live happily ever after as a family!
Slashman X
Eric Portapotty
The Platypus
You'd never see him anyway, he's always in the hospital!!
Poor Kev, he can't seem to get a break . . . oh wait!
I'm having another one of those nights, I do try and play video games but end up being too tired to play and do shit, hence I get more annoyed. I try reading too or listen to music but end up feeling too tired. Too tired to do stuff but not enough to fall asleep, really annoying,
I keep thinking of so much shit, cannot sleep or get it out of my head. I feel like I need to talk to someone about it, I dunno.
I googled and found out that The Samaritans have a 24/7 phone line in the UK if you feel you need to talk to someone.
If you keep getting nights like this you should get in touch with your doctor.
Have a look at one of these buddy
Fairly certain you can put Euros on it at the post offices standard exchange rate, which is normally decent, and once its on there in euros theres there's no fees I don't think.
The one thing I would say is Gemany is weird as shit when it comes to cards and your normal debit card (which I assume is some form of Visa/Mastercard thing) won't work pretty much anywhere thats not an ATM.
It might be an idea to set up an account in Germany of some sort so you can get a Maestro/EC card that you can actually use in