Metallic Logos Pack
Our Football Manager Metallic Logos Pack contains thousands more Club and Competition logos than any other megapack out there and every National Logo, Continental Logo and Flag in the game. It's kept regularly up to date to ensure you always have best and latest Logos to make Football Manager even more attractive.
- 432,610
- 2025.04 - Released on 04 Feb 2025
![Metallic Logos Pack](
In the league table, Cardiff City and Sheffield Wednesday appear to display their old logos. Although, in each club screen, the current up-to-date logos are used.
The problem appears to lay in the @2x folder, where the old club logos are found.
Can someone check to see if they have this issue too, please?
I couldn't find a folder for "Optional Retina Files".
How can I solve this problem? Thanks for any help.
Certainly something wrong in the download.
New Logo - Chainat Hornbill - 23077992
New Name & New Logo - BEC Tero --> Police Tero - 134919
New Name & New Logo - Arema Cronus --> Arema FC - 5622736
Missing Logo - Super Power - 23374982
New Logo - Army United - 23135992
Name & Logo Correction - Lampang Utd (wrong) - Lampang FC (correct) - 23103659
Name & Logo Correction - PBDKT (wrong) - T–Team (correct) - 23022086
New Logo - Thai Honda - 1044066
New Logo - PTT Rayong - 23063005
Competition Logo with ad - Thai League - 5624920
Competition Logo with ad - Thai League 2 - 5637986
Competition Logo with ad - Thai League 3 - 23062639
Competition Logo with ad - Thai League 4 - 23354239
Update 5 getting put together now for end of week release.
Addie Fadrny
Addie Fadrny
EDIT: I've just noticed that Man City's small logo is the old version too, yet the bigger logo is their current one.
I really think that the @2x folder is old.
It is in the pack (update) however doesn't seem to show in the game.. only the large logo for some reason
it appears on the game for the large logo fine, however the small logo doesn't seem to show?
In the Clubs/Comps > Small > @2x folder, many of the logos are old. i.e. Man City/Premier League.
When viewing league tables or using the in-game browser, old logos are shown, but the new logos show on their own screens - since normal sized logos are used here.
This is what is in the current download on the main site, so I suspect many others have been affected by this.
Is there a quick fix for this?
I downloaded all the pack and it works fine.
The only problem is that in starting a new game, when I select the additional files, 3 triangles appear next to the file names that I found in the folders of these logos pack.
They are not compatible with FM17?
If you're running the Susie Real Name Fixes, you can safely start a new game without the ones provided in this logopack
Perfect! Thanks Mons
Can someone responsible for the megapack at least check the most up-to-date download on the main site here, to see the problem for themselves?
I've not noticed any old small logos showing. Can you post some screenshots to show the error?
It looks to me as though perhaps you downloaded the mega pack for 2016 rather than the 2017 one?
If not, have you tried unticking the boxes on skin cache preferences then re ticking then reloading the skin?
I've downloaded the latest megapack on the main site here. Size is 4.83GB.
It can't be an old megapack though, as the new logos are there in normal and small size. Just not @2x.
Amending the skin cache won't do anything as the old logos are in the small @2x folder. Therefore, they are only going to display what is in that folder.
Seriously it seems that the @2x folder is old. Perhaps a mistake has been made in a previous update causing this.
I urge anyone to download the full megapack from here to see the issue I am trying to explain.
And @vawkes I have no idea how you have such old logos if you have the latest megapack - that Citeh logo was changed in January 2016 so you must have an old version of the pack.
Are you sure about the folder? I downloaded "metallic_logos_fm2017_v0.part01.rar" from DepositFiles using a link on this page. The rar contains a folder called Optional Retina Files, which in turn contains png files that are all dated 2.3.2015.
I'm telling you that the megapack download on the Sortitoutsi site features folders (Small > @2x) that contain old logos.
I've even just re-downloaded the entire megapack this morning with the latest update (4.88GB), but still the @2x folders within Clubs/Comps etc, contain old logos. i.e. Man City, Cardiff, EFL Cup.
If you downloaded the megapack fresh from the site, you will understand the issue.
Example: Man City & QPR have their old logos in the Small > @2x folder. In the main Small & Normal logo folders, they have the new up-to-date logo. However, in-game, logos from the @2x folder are used for league tables and in menus etc. Therefore, showing the old logos for certain clubs and competitions.
Bare in mind that I have a new laptop, so I have been downloading megapacks like this from scratch. The folder above is from the megapack I downloaded this morning and is the latest on the Sortitoutsi website.