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Matheus Yocihara
Where are you placing it and how can you tell it isn't working?
Can you post screenshots of the location you've placed the update in?
Matheus Yocihara
I downloaded the FM Data Update, and installed as explained in the site, Documents \ Sports Interactive \ Football Manager 2017 \ date editor, but by the time I start the game, the teams are not up to date
Matheus Yocihara
I downloaded the FM Data Update, and installed as explained in the site, Documents \ Sports Interactive \ Football Manager 2017 \ date editor, but by the time I start the game, the teams are not up to date
Can we see a screenshot of your editor data folder please?
Matheus Yocihara
I'm playing the Brazilian championship, I'll send some screenshots of the championship teams
Matheus Yocihara
I need screenshot of your editor data folder and not your game please
Matheus Yocihara
That looks fine. How can you tell that the changes in the data update aren't working though?
Can you look for Marcelo Cirino and give me a screenshot in-game please?
Matheus Yocihara
This is a data update change for him submitted late last month, and it looks to be in your game.
So why are you saying the update doesn't work?
Matheus Yocihara
I was playing with Santos, and the 2017 contracts were not up to date.
Bruno Henrique - Wolfsburg
Cleber - Hamburger
Matheus Yocihara
Both Bruno Henrique and Cleber are at Santos irl, and in the game. What's wrong there?
Matheus Yocihara
In my game they are in Wolfsburg and Hamburg respectively
You need to start with the 17.3 database when you start a new game, as they were still at their previous clubs when the 17.0 database was released.
Matheus Yocihara
How can I start with 17.3? Where do I download it?
It is automatically downloaded through Steam
Matheus Yocihara
ok ! Thanks Bro