Metallic Logos Pack
Our Football Manager Metallic Logos Pack contains thousands more Club and Competition logos than any other megapack out there and every National Logo, Continental Logo and Flag in the game. It's kept regularly up to date to ensure you always have best and latest Logos to make Football Manager even more attractive.
- 432,610
- 2025.04 - Released on 04 Feb 2025
![Metallic Logos Pack](
Tuttocampo has probably had someone redraw many of the logos before they have been added onto the site. Unfortunately quite a few of them are not super accurate reproductions of the of the originals. Especially fonts and clipart (footballs, coats of arms etc.) may differ from what the original artists have used.
Yeah I did notice some differences when checking on the clubs FB/Twitter pages...some are waaay better though so props for the effort regardless
Not this time - it's all done in order of date received to keep things fair.
Karaköprü Belediyespor new (70081669)
Malatya Yeşilyurt Belediyespor new (70055754)
Aras 12 Martspor new (70054214)
Faroz Yalıspor new ( 70015979)
Kalkanderespor new ( 70055759)
Sarıkamış Belediyespor new (70078181)
Ladik Belediyespor new (70081664)
Turhalspor new (459510)
Karaman Belediyespor new (70078180)
68 Aksaray Belediyespor new ( 70080997)
Kepez Belediyespor new (457415)
Serdivanspor new (70043034)
Çekmeköy Belediye Alemdağ Spor Kulübü new (70101861)
Bozüyük Vitra Spor new (70061788)
please post picture and UID.... Thanks
Orange County SC (ID 20016195)
Reno (ID 20044630 )
In vector format:
Extra zero in ID detected,correct one is 70055759
Thanks. I corrected it
Ok. I changed it. Thanks
The correct one is:
Arifiye Kalaycı Spor missing (70098999)
Quite a big pack with 1400 odd new and updated logos so pork away
big thanks to Schweigi for making some much available and as usual to everyone who posts up or sends me logos - can't do it without your help
Extract the file to your Docs/Sports Interactive folder and allow files to be replaced - only logos are affected so don't worry.
Cracking on with #8 right now and only 2,800 to sort through - the pile is getting smaller hehe...
No Totti No Party
Awesome update as usual, thank you for all your hard work and for sharing.
P.S. Hope you've fully recovered from your recent bout of illness and are fighting fit again.
I was gonna put them in the next req pack as there were no id's on the files and I have no idea what exact leagues they are for mate.
Thanks for that matey - not quite 100% yet but getting there
P.S great work with the latest logos.
I've just re downloaded the update and added the normal clubs logos + config but still no update. See screenshot attachment. The small logos are fine but for some reason the normal ones haven't
I'm glad to see i'm not the only one, hopefully this can be fixed for the next update somehow.
Extract the file into your Docs\Sports Interactive folder and click on replace to update the configs.
Big thanks as always to Schweigi for all his help and indeed to everyone who posted up or sent in logos - could not do all this without y'all
also thanks to Weltfussballarchiv, Futbollogo & scudettitalia and all the other great sites for making so much available.
Don't panic if the logo you wanted is not in this pack - i'm still working through stuff from March so still playing catch up to a degree.
As far as I can tell the configs are there so logically the logos are not - can you search your club folders to see if they are there by just looking for any missing club id number?
Because in fact many logos of these have changed a long time ago ... maybe only someone is new lately?
Was this a problem here on the video game database? Thanks in advance
Schleswig-Holstein Cup:
Hamburg Cup:
Bremen Cup:
Lower Saxony Cup:
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Cup:
Berlin Cup:
Brandenburg Cup:
Saxony Cup:
Saxony-Anhalt Cup:
Thuringian Cup:
Hessian Cup:
Middle Rhine Cup:
Lower Rhine Cup:
Westphalian Cup:
Saarland Cup:
Rhineland Cup:
Southwestern Cup:
North Baden Cup:
South Baden Cup:
Württemberg Cup:
Bavarian Cup (Bayern):