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Fat Penlon
To be able to manage a national senior or youth team, there needs to be at least 150 eligible players loaded in your save game, otherwise it's just not possible as you may not have enough players to choose from. If you are looking to manage a particular national team in a save game, you should load all players from that country before starting. This won't be necessary for the bigger nations, but the more obscure ones will need to be loaded in this way. It also depends on how many players there are from this particular country within the FM database. There are 1,229 Maltese players (so you should be able to manage the senior, U21 and U19 national teams), San Marino has 366 (so you won't be able to manage the U19s, but the seniors and U21 should be doable), while Andorra has 65 (so they're all out of the question).
To be able to manage clubs in divisions not enabled in the original game, you need to wait for modders like claassen to release files enabling these countries. In FM17, his files unlocked pretty much all the countries in the world, and I'm sure he'll do loads of leagues again this year
Fat Penlon
Thanks for explaining in detail
Somebody's already released the files to enable the Japan league and also to populate with real players here earlier today...
Fat Penlon
Great. cheers!! So the national team will require something different to wait for?
Just download this file for that.
Not sure how likely it is to get an answer to this since it's been half a year since anyone was in here but I'll give it a shot anyway... Could this change while mid-save? If i.e Andorra or a random Oceania country (as this is where I like to manage) do get 150+ players through regens, will they then "unlock", if you will, so you can manage them?
I got a push notification since you quoted me
The point of the regen system is for the numbers to remain somewhat constant between the start of the save game and later on during your career. So it'd be quite surprising if nations not selectable at the start become chooseable in the middle of a save game...
When you load a new game, make sure you choose custom database and load all players from San Marino. I believe that should give you a large enough player database to manage the San Marino national team. I don't believe there are sufficient U21 San Marinese players in the FM database to allow users to manage them.
Logic tells me that, since San Marino is geographically within the Italian borders, the best league to load would be Italy.
If what you're asking for is after having started a save game, then you might not be able to get them as manageable as you can only add leagues but not divisions, nations or regions like you can when starting a new game.
San Marino is included in this pack so should help with the players needed but just loading all players of the nationality will work https://sortitoutsi.net/downloads/view/51119/minuys-league-megapack
Click the player count box on the top right when starting a new game.
From there you can pick and choose exactly how you want your game to look when starting. Obviously though the more players you load the slower the loading times will be.
Sorry to jump in @mons after you did all the hard work
You maybe could have said that first!
I don't think you can but can try asking here https://fmmobile.net/2019/12/24/fm20-mobile-new-national-savefiles/#comments