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FM Base
Each to their own but having things like this for me just makes it pointless to play.
Just wondering how many actually use.....
Now I don't actually use this, just literally found it while browsing for FM19 downloads and saw your comment, so just wanted to address your query.
It depends how someone may want to play the game, not every save has to be realistic or LLM. Especially for the beta, someone may want to create a short term save with infinite money for example. It's all down to preference, not every save has to be the same.
FM Base
I don't personally enjoy playing this way, but sometimes it's fun to just kick about and have a bunch of money to spend for fun.
I'm sorry for the late update, I think it's probably best if I just don't update this until beta is over, else I'll be updating it every 2/3 days haha.
how do I use it?
I already downloaded it.
what should i do now with the EXE file?
FM Base
Hey, it currently needs updating to work with the latest hotfix. I'll make a post when it's ready.
Lothar Hinrichs
Couldnt have sait it better!
John Bouak
just subscribed paid £10 and cant get the fm19 cheat tool to download?
help please
I've just downloaded it so it appears the problem is at your end
where can I get 7zip?
looks like programme showing as virus threat too?
I've downloaded the program and Avast isn't saying it's a virus, so it must be a false positive with whichever antivirus you're using.
You can find a 7zip download link using Google.
ok so turned off windows security - downloaded 7 zip
still not working - downloading as internet explorer link and just keeps downloading and go to open folder it just wants to download again and again
anyone else having issues with this
can you send me the file by email or something since I have directly subscribed to you??
its downloading as link ?
how do I actually get into it ? ive downloaded 7 zip?
its a link not a programme? someone got any ideas ? is this real or have I just been ripped off for £10
What do you mean you're downloading as link? What do you get when you click the download button? You're not giving me a lot of specific info and details with which to help you, tbh. Screenshots would help too...
I get a small file which I open with 7zip and which contains an exe file. I've never used the application myself, so I can't help with how it operates, I'm afraid, but that's not the problem as far as I can tell.
when it downloads it appears as big internet explorer sign the big blue E SIGN - doesn't appear to be any sort of programme
file is 4.5mb and try to save or open the file its just contains a link not an actual programme ?
no programme is downloading - im using windows 10?
Can I see screenshots of the file you've downloaded pls? I'm not understanding what the issue is, I'm afraid.
so every time I try download get this download box appears - save as - and comes up moneybags fm19 - click on it and just starts download again as if its a link im downloading
can you see how many times ive tried downloading in the screen shot they keep repeating itself in the download box - it never opens up as a programme
sorry making no sense but cant make sense of it myself - as if the download is a link to re download ??