Metallic Logos Pack

Our Football Manager Metallic Logos Pack contains thousands more Club and Competition logos than any other megapack out there and every National Logo, Continental Logo and Flag in the game. It's kept regularly up to date to ensure you always have best and latest Logos to make Football Manager even more attractive.

  • 433,570
  • 2025.05 - Released on 12 Mar 2025
Metallic Logos Pack

17 years ago
2 hours ago
So here is how I make Metallic logo's:

1) all the work is made in photoshop ( i use cs2)

2) You need to get hold of "eye candy 5 impact" for older versions of Photoshop or "eye candy 7" for newer ones.

3) then you need to get the action made by @ducc (this is based on a action made by @kremmen ). you can get it here: only thing you need to edit is the place that the action exports (saves) the logos to, there are 3 exports in the action. The action works both with "eye candy 5 impact" and "eye candy 7"

here is also a action file for right and left logos:

4) then you need to learn how to install and use "actions" files:

5) find a logo (use time and effort to find the best source)

6) find UID and check that your logo is a update here:

7) then cut out the logo (there is a lot of videos out there on how to do that and a lot of different ways): or


FC Copenhagen id=505
Best logo I could find online:]

then after I have cut it ( make sure that you have trim it and the canvas is square, in this case 4091x4091 :

You need to edit where the action exports to ( and create the folders on your comp.). You do that by opening a radom logo and look for the three places where the action exports. There are three exports one for normal one for smallx2 and small. click on the export (not run the entire action) and then get the action to export (save) in the folders you created.

8) then run the Metallic action file on the cut out logo and you will get this:

9) there is a old tread on this topic here:

you can also look here for help with cutting out stuff:

Please make a comment if you have a hint or anything that can help anyone who want to make Metallic logos
6 years ago
6 months ago
With the guide, the best thing I can do is this:
16 years ago
59 minutes ago
This is an update on the "metallic" logo project.
@kremmen has not been online for quite some while now and until anything else is announced one must assume that he has left the project. @Armagedon_55 has made two updates and as I understands it he is willing to take over the project of making regularly updates. My hope is that @kremmen will PM @Armagedon_55 and sort of "hand over" the project to him and share his experience with him or perhaps work with him. I will help out by making logos in the request tread and I hope @ducc will help by checking for errors and mistakes.

But we need help to keep this project running.

1) all request go in the "request tread" (no PM for personal requests)
2) always add name and UID to requests
3) take the time and effort to find the best and biggest source (better source = better metallic logo)
4) if fantasy or not in fm database please write that.

It is my personal hope that we at some point can make a request system as they have for the "cut out" project. Perhaps @Rob and @mons someday can help us with that.

kremmen leaving the project has in my opinion also shown how vulnerable the project is when left to one person. So we need more people to get involved in the making of metallic logo's instead of just having a lot of people requesting (of course the great interest in requesting is still appreciated )

So how to make Metallic logo's:

1) there is a old tread on that here:

2) first you need to learn how "cut out" the logo (there is a lot of videos out there on that subject) :

3) then you need to get hold of "eye candy 5 impact" or "eye candy 7" and install it in to your copy of photoshop.

4) then you need the "action" file provided by kremmen in the earlier post:

5) then you need to learn how to use action files :

So first you cut out the logo and make the canvas size square and center the logo (if you have experience with photoshop you can enhance and improve on the logo if needed).
Then you run the metallic action and that is it .

last @Rob how did kremmen get the updated logo in to the search tool?

There is any action for Photoshop with Eye Candy 7 ???
17 years ago
2 hours ago
There is any action for Photoshop with Eye Candy 7 ???

No unfortunately not.... I'm not an expert on photoshop, but I think "eye candy 5 impact" only work on cs6 or older version of photoshop ( ) and you need "eye candy 7" if you have a newer version of photoshop. If anyone knows otherwise please let me know. So if anyone with experience with photoshop can make a action with "eye candy 7" that would be great. you can get a trial version here:

Perhaps @ducc can help?
16 years ago
59 minutes ago
No unfortunately not.... I'm not an expert on photoshop, but I think "eye candy 5 impact" only work on cs6 or older version of photoshop ( ) and you need "eye candy 7" if you have a newer version of photoshop. If anyone knows otherwise please let me know. So if anyone with experience with photoshop can make a action with "eye candy 7" that would be great. you can get a trial version here:

Perhaps @ducc can help?

I've Mac and Eye Candy 7. As Qvordrup says, if someone can create an action on photoshop for Eye Candy 7, it would be great. We could create thousands of logos.
12 years ago
20 hours ago
No unfortunately not.... I'm not an expert on photoshop, but I think "eye candy 5 impact" only work on cs6 or older version of photoshop ( ) and you need "eye candy 7" if you have a newer version of photoshop. If anyone knows otherwise please let me know. So if anyone with experience with photoshop can make a action with "eye candy 7" that would be great. you can get a trial version here:

Perhaps @ducc can help?

I have actually never done Metallic logos or even used Eye Candy before, but I could try to edit the action. I downloaded the trial version of Eye Candy 7, which is probably needed since I have a relatively recent iteration of Photoshop. Within Eye Candy, there is a filter that results in an effect that looks quite a bit like the Metallic logos, but there are a number of sliders for different adjustments. If it is possible, maybe you could take a screenshot of their positions when creating the Metallic effect with the Eye Candy version you have, so it can be reproduced more easily?

If nothing else will work, it is also possible to legally download Photoshop CS2 directly from Adobe. At least if you are a little bit naughty and claim (by ticking a box) to have originally purchased the product...

Link to download page:
17 years ago
2 hours ago
I have actually never done Metallic logos or even used Eye Candy before, but I could try to edit the action. I downloaded the trial version of Eye Candy 7, which is probably needed since I have a relatively recent iteration of Photoshop. Within Eye Candy, there is a filter that results in an effect that looks quite a bit like the Metallic logos, but there are a number of sliders for different adjustments. If it is possible, maybe you could take a screenshot of their positions when creating the Metallic effect with the Eye Candy version you have, so it can be reproduced more easily?

If nothing else will work, it is also possible to legally download Photoshop CS2 directly from Adobe. At least if you are a little bit naughty and claim (by ticking a box) to have originally purchased the product...

Link to download page:

Please give it a try .... the action file is here :

As said before i'm not an expert on photoshop..... when you run the action it does not show the eye candy bit of it. But I can read in the action what it does and post it if you like. In eye candy 5 impact it is the glass filter that the action uses.
16 years ago
59 minutes ago
I have actually never done Metallic logos or even used Eye Candy before, but I could try to edit the action. I downloaded the trial version of Eye Candy 7, which is probably needed since I have a relatively recent iteration of Photoshop. Within Eye Candy, there is a filter that results in an effect that looks quite a bit like the Metallic logos, but there are a number of sliders for different adjustments. If it is possible, maybe you could take a screenshot of their positions when creating the Metallic effect with the Eye Candy version you have, so it can be reproduced more easily?

If nothing else will work, it is also possible to legally download Photoshop CS2 directly from Adobe. At least if you are a little bit naughty and claim (by ticking a box) to have originally purchased the product...

Link to download page:

Any new news about the action for Eye Candy 7 ????
14 years ago
3 months ago
So, I've given this a go. Here are a couple of my results. I dunno if these are good or not? (Just a few pics I have taken from the request thread)
17 years ago
2 hours ago
So, I've given this a go. Here are a couple of my results. I dunno if these are good or not? (Just a few pics I have taken from the request thread)

I think they look very good. we need more people that are able to produce Metallic logos and that can and will do request. If you want to do many logos at the time read about (google) how to "batch" in photoshop.
hopefully we are at some point going to have a new request system, but for now you can contribute in two ways... either by answering requests as you already did or by collecting request and sending them to @Armagedon_55 who are making the new updates.
14 years ago
3 months ago
Yeah, I'm happy to help. I'm only using a trial of Eye Candy and Photoshop at the moment but I'll "fix" that soon enough
14 years ago
3 months ago
I think they look very good. we need more people that are able to produce Metallic logos and that can and will do request. If you want to do many logos at the time read about (google) how to "batch" in photoshop.
hopefully we are at some point going to have a new request system, but for now you can contribute in two ways... either by answering requests as you already did or by collecting request and sending them to @Armagedon_55 who are making the new updates.

Just a suggestion, but could we get a system like they have with the cut out faces? Wherein people upload requests and we can accept the request so that it means only one person makes a logo instead of multiple people doing the same one because we didn't know someone else had already done it?
17 years ago
2 hours ago
Just a suggestion, but could we get a system like they have with the cut out faces? Wherein people upload requests and we can accept the request so that it means only one person makes a logo instead of multiple people doing the same one because we didn't know someone else had already done it?

It is a possibility that in the future we could have exactly that.... but it is up to @Rob to make it and it takes time and effort.... but great idea, that we are already working on
6 years ago
4 days ago
Just a suggestion, but could we get a system like they have with the cut out faces? Wherein people upload requests and we can accept the request so that it means only one person makes a logo instead of multiple people doing the same one because we didn't know someone else had already done it?

It is a possibility that in the future we could have exactly that.... but it is up to @Rob to make it and it takes time and effort.... but great idea, that we are already working on

If that becomes a possibility, IMO it would be useful to unify requests for metallic and "standard" logos (at least as an option for updated/not in megapack logos), as it would be less work for one person to do the cutting/resizing for the standard logo and apply the effect for metallic logo than having separate people do each logo.
12 years ago
20 hours ago
If that becomes a possibility, IMO it would be useful to unify requests for metallic and "standard" logos (at least as an option for updated/not in megapack logos), as it would be less work for one person to do the cutting/resizing for the standard logo and apply the effect for metallic logo than having separate people do each logo.

The instructions in the first post are actually out of date what it comes to the action "Metallic New". There is no need to trim the logo or resize the canvas after cutting. All one has to do is to cut the logo and then run the Metallic New action.

15 years ago
1 year ago
That's more like it, cheers. Aye, I gave that thread a go this morning and come up with that. Improved a bit since, but can't work out where to put the Metallic action file or how to use it, so I'm making do with tweaking existing filters on Eye Candy. Any pointers on that front?

My best effort attached.
6 years ago
4 days ago
That's more like it, cheers. Aye, I gave that thread a go this morning and come up with that. Improved a bit since, but can't work out where to put the Metallic action file or how to use it, so I'm making do with tweaking existing filters on Eye Candy. Any pointers on that front?

My best effort attached.

To load the action, it's this menu item under the 'hamburger' icon on the actions tab. I don't think it actually makes a difference where you have the action file saved, but I've saved it in User>AppData>Roaming>Adobe>Photoshop>Presets>Actions, which is the default folder when loading an action. Then to start the action, scroll to Metallic New (the one below the folder icon) which will allow you to press the triangle play button.
15 years ago
1 year ago
To load the action, it's this menu item under the 'hamburger' icon on the actions tab. I don't think it actually makes a difference where you have the action file saved, but I've saved it in User>AppData>Roaming>Adobe>Photoshop>Presets>Actions, which is the default folder when loading an action. Then to start the action, scroll to Metallic New (the one below the folder icon) which will allow you to press the triangle play button.

Spot on. Thank you kindly for your help!
14 years ago
5 years ago
Finally got this to work on Photoshop 6 with Eye Candy 7 install on my MAC just wanted to ask for some tips in how to make these look better, also how do you guys make the Left Side & Right Side logos that's always puzzled me for some reason and would love to know how to make them

17 years ago
2 hours ago
Finally got this to work on Photoshop 6 with Eye Candy 7 install on my MAC just wanted to ask for some tips in how to make these look better, also how do you guys make the Left Side & Right Side logos that's always puzzled me for some reason and would love to know how to make them

we use this "action" for left and right :
6 years ago
5 years ago
Assuming, how could be the configuration of the metallic effect in this image?

Logo: Platense(Arg)
17 years ago
2 hours ago
Assuming, how could be the configuration of the metallic effect in this image?

Logo: Platense(Arg)

Used this logo :

and this is the settings:

and this is the result:
Ice Man
18 years ago
4 days ago
Didn't know where else to ask this. Can you create Metallic logos using GIMP?
17 years ago
2 hours ago
Didn't know where else to ask this. Can you create Metallic logos using GIMP?

Don't think so. The effect is made with eye candy 5 or 7 and I think it only works with Photoshop.
Ice Man
18 years ago
4 days ago
Don't think so. The effect is made with eye candy 5 or 7 and I think it only works with Photoshop.

Ok thanks. So I would need Eye Candy & Photoshop?
17 years ago
2 hours ago
Ok thanks. So I would need Eye Candy & Photoshop?

7 years ago
1 month ago
@Qvordrup, Can you update the link for "Metallic New.atn", please? I need it for "eye candy 7".
17 years ago
2 hours ago
@Qvordrup, Can you update the link for "Metallic New.atn", please? I need it for "eye candy 7".

The link is working for me?

Please try it again, it just takes a couple of sec. for the download window to open.
7 years ago
1 month ago
The link is working for me?

Please try it again, it just takes a couple of sec. for the download window to open.

There are no free download links at the bottom of the page for me. I tried to look in Edge and Chrome, but there is the same situation as in the screenshot.
17 years ago
2 hours ago

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