This is the match engine file modified for reality and adding much more interest in fm.
It changes everything in match, such as passing, moving, attacking, defending, 1 on 1, kill passing, buildup, one two passing, pressing, attacking moving, attacking switching, defending switching and so on. You won't see dumb and stupid playing anymore that all of FM series always had. All of moving and playing will be realistic or understandable at least.
All tactics can be played much better in match as real football playing or as you have imagined what you wanna watch in matches, which you wanted to see from this game and didn't know even this could be done in FM.
If you are football fan, it’s wasting of life not using this. With this one, I assure you don’t need to buy next series of Football Manager before SI done for much far better AI and match engine.
You can see short gif here: https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/j3nh4u/football_manager_2020_realistic_match_engine_patch/
More gif here:
While this is a free patch and will be more patches, if you wish to donate as way of thanking me for my time and my team you can do so by the link below.
How to apply: close football manager 2020. unzip and replace json file in this location. Then open again.
(No need to start new game. It applies on all save games)
Steam: Local disk:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Football Manager 2020/data/simatch/physics
Epic games: :/Program Files/Epic Games/Football Manager 2020/data/simatch/physics
Mac steam: Library/application support/Steam/steamapps/common/Football Manager 2020/data/simatch/physics
Mac epic games: Users/Shared/Epic Games/FootballManager2020/data/simatch/physics
Caution: Because this file fixes match engine, you might need to fix tactics. strongly recommended to modify your tactics (current latest patch version: v6)
Here is discord channel that you can freely download all developer's test engine and complete engine patches, also can read and talk freely all over the world with translation bot, though you are not good at English. I wrote how to use and it has great quality of translation. Also if you are developer or who knows the coding, here are people who are analying the match engines, welcome to join us. After joining, give private message to manager in channel.
And PS. If someone is interested in retexture of graphic files, please let us know after joining discord channel.
It changes everything in match, such as passing, moving, attacking, defending, 1 on 1, kill passing, buildup, one two passing, pressing, attacking moving, attacking switching, defending switching and so on. You won't see dumb and stupid playing anymore that all of FM series always had. All of moving and playing will be realistic or understandable at least.
All tactics can be played much better in match as real football playing or as you have imagined what you wanna watch in matches, which you wanted to see from this game and didn't know even this could be done in FM.
If you are football fan, it’s wasting of life not using this. With this one, I assure you don’t need to buy next series of Football Manager before SI done for much far better AI and match engine.
You can see short gif here: https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/comments/j3nh4u/football_manager_2020_realistic_match_engine_patch/
More gif here:
While this is a free patch and will be more patches, if you wish to donate as way of thanking me for my time and my team you can do so by the link below.
How to apply: close football manager 2020. unzip and replace json file in this location. Then open again.
(No need to start new game. It applies on all save games)
Steam: Local disk:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Football Manager 2020/data/simatch/physics
Epic games: :/Program Files/Epic Games/Football Manager 2020/data/simatch/physics
Mac steam: Library/application support/Steam/steamapps/common/Football Manager 2020/data/simatch/physics
Mac epic games: Users/Shared/Epic Games/FootballManager2020/data/simatch/physics
Caution: Because this file fixes match engine, you might need to fix tactics. strongly recommended to modify your tactics (current latest patch version: v6)
Here is discord channel that you can freely download all developer's test engine and complete engine patches, also can read and talk freely all over the world with translation bot, though you are not good at English. I wrote how to use and it has great quality of translation. Also if you are developer or who knows the coding, here are people who are analying the match engines, welcome to join us. After joining, give private message to manager in channel.
And PS. If someone is interested in retexture of graphic files, please let us know after joining discord channel.
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Did it through EpicGames....what kind of file does the download have to be for it to work?
Finally found the way to do this through EpicGames and the deleted file has now been reinstalled. Thanks you for the guidance, got there in the end
I still don't understand why it wont work for you. I think you are the first official case, of it not working, looking through other forums where it is posted. I mean, i'm happy you got the game to work again, but you are missing out on something good, if you not trying to get the mod to work. Is it just crashing right away when you tried to load FM? or what happend?
This mod is brilliant. My suggestion is, next time you release a new version, can you add a comment in each line and explain what that line do?
I am a programmer myself and really want to look into that file. And by that I can save a lot of time guessing and others can more understand and maybe can improve it better.
Rich B
I’ll take anything to make FM harder. Love this so much. Tempted to starting playing full match instead of comprehensive because the play is THAT MUCH BETTER!
russell beal
I have downloaded and edited the .json and what it does is to change mainly the game physics, players speed, players turning speed, players jumping, pass speed etc. I have not tested it yet, but the fact that this guy managed to get a better playing engine just changing values and testing is awesome, as I bet it needed a lot of testing, as a single game can just have a placebo effect. Good job Billgates!!
BTW, for these scared of downloading it, there is no way to do any harm to your computer with a .json file, it's easy for anybody to just open it and read the content with a text editor and see what it does, so download it safely.
For example this is part of the code related to players speed that has been edited:
// Speed constraints - all values as ms-1 - used directly in the ME after being scaled
"speed_scaler": 10000, // below values are divided by this to get the correct Match Real value
"very_slow_walk_speed": 4370,
"slow_walk_speed": 8440,
"walk_speed": 12010,
"fast_walk_speed": 16030,
"slow_jog_speed": 20740,
"jog_speed": 23510,
"moderate_jog_speed": 28090,
"fast_jog_speed": 31630,
"run_speed": 38404,
"sprint_speed": 58056,
"top_speed": 78408,
"base_top_speed": 77000,
"theoretical_max_running_speed": 128700,
"theoretical_min_diving_speed": 40000,
"theoretical_max_diving_speed": 72000,
This was the original one:
// Speed constraints - all values as ms-1 - used directly in the ME after being scaled
"speed_scaler": 10000, // below values are divided by this to get the correct Match Real value
"very_slow_walk_speed": 4470,
"slow_walk_speed": 8940,
"walk_speed": 13410,
"fast_walk_speed": 17880,
"slow_jog_speed": 23000,
"jog_speed": 26820,
"moderate_jog_speed": 31290,
"fast_jog_speed": 35760,
"run_speed": 44704,
"sprint_speed": 67056,
"top_speed": 89408,
"base_top_speed": 78000,
"theoretical_max_running_speed": 122700,
"theoretical_min_diving_speed": 50000,
"theoretical_max_diving_speed": 75000,
Took a look my self, I'm no coder, but this looks pretty easy to understand. Pretty amazed it only needed some few number changes in a json file to get that sort of behavior on the pitch. btw, this is not placebo. Yes there are still plenty of things not changed, and it is not perfect by any imagination. Still got some animations that feels odd (such as a volley, where the player just looks out of place hitting the ball,) but for people that have played this game thousands of hours each year, is the changes crystal clear, and a whoooole lot more fluid overall gameplay.
Anyway thanks for clearing up some things. I still believe these number changes to speed, delays, and accelerations. actually changes how the player numbers interact with it. There are just some things, that seems completely different, such as heading, and contact between players, and must be impacted indirectly by this. I might also try to play around with all the numbers for deflecting balls and blocks, as I can see this is a direct change, and might be a little bit to heavily changed by billgates, with the amount of corner and throw ins I see. Though it do look nice on the pitch and more real for lower leauges, is the stats just off when it comes to higher leauges in this department.
I have also compared the original file and the modded one and in my opinion the most important changes are these related to the players acceleration, speed and turning speed, that a bit faster in the modded version and probably the ones that help to the gameplay improvements we see. There are also changes to players bumping each other, heading etc, again helping more the physical game.
Don't know how it will look in a more technical and top division like La Liga, but for lower divisions in England for sure it looks more realistic.
I have also just seen something not so usual in the original ME, a through pass from a central midfielder to the striker that scored against me.
If the mod author is whiling to discuss it would be great to know why he has changed each parameter, so we all can better analyze the changes and the reasoning behind them. I hope SI won't remove that file for FM21 so we can use it as the "sliders" in FIFA, as they might be inclined to do it as it might be worse for them to know that when a player complains about the ME if he is using the original or modded one.
Yeah great showcase, this is even a minor one, but for sure something you wont see in original ME. What is more important, is the fluidity of the attack. That little flick header, would happen normally, but would not look that good.
Tommy Hughes
Perhaps two slightly different files would be the most optimal way to go - a more physicality-based and error-prone for the lower leagues and one focusing less on mistakes and odd bounces and more on player agility, speed, movement, passing etc. for higher levels of football?
Although, I do like the the prospect of the ball bouncing and ricocheting around more randomly than it currently does in the match engine. It sounds more realistic on any level of football. Odd bounces, lucky/unlucky ricochets, players tumbling into eachother, teammates accidentally blocking eachother off, ball bouncing between two opposite players very close to eachother and changing possession back and forth etc. sounds much more realistic than what the fairly clinical match engine currently provides. Might be a fine lne between chaos and the realistic unpredictibility, pure good or bad luck and the chance of "anything could happen in life, and in a game of football" but if it could be simulated bit better in the match engine it would make the game feel so much better and fascinating.
Very true and if so it will mean unless there are major changes in the ME I won’t be getting it.
thanks for your work and thanks for the maybe future next Update Version for this Match Engine .
i want to use them.
it is possible to set the Match Engine Graphics ( Turf, Stadium, like that) in higher Resolution Value?
Can you check, if you can include that?
example to set for all People with high end pc, the Staff to 4k, to download,
and the other download version is for normal pc user, so the Graphics are default..
other Idea...
it is maybe possible, that you and your "Korea Team" can look at the Sound Files from the fm20?
maybe you and your team can change these files, to get it possible, to include atmosphere in the match engine, when we watch a game...
( example possible to use, chants, goal sounds, stadium athmosphere, you know.)
"Preds" create amazing quality sound files for pes2020 here: https://evo-web.co.uk/threads/preds-update-packs-post-1-full-contents.80636/
it would be amazing, to use that ( example) in football manager + your Match Engine Mod for better Gameplay
a dream comes true...
Thanks for answering, maybe i can explain in details to you
i am from Germany..
Same here, I'm very reluctant to buy the game early on, this time around.
We, as fans of the game, should not buy a product, just be course it got a new number, color scheme and a database update, that could (is) easily made by modders, better and larger. I say no, especially if they directly try to hinder us in making it a better game with modding. That is against what any game developer should stand for. All the games I have played the most, expect from this, is from developers that embrace the modding community.
The ME file is not changing anything graphicly, and there are already a pretty good sound mod on fmscout:
I would love to have 4k res and fifa graphics, but that aint gonna happen in this game.
My Comment and Wish is for the billgates Korea Team, if they are so good and can look at that, for maybe include ( like modders in pes) possibilities, to include after that sound files, like the amazing Preds files for pes.
my ideas are more then the ME File, that actually possible to use from billgates Team.
and to say Ideas, i hope, the Team can think about that and maybe are interesting to look, what is possible..
in past, no one are knowing, what are possible in PES, without sider Folder Structure.
with that, it opens doors for amazing staff,,,
I find it a bit funny that he says the patch "alters the balance of play outside of real life parameters" (or in other words "makes it unrealistic" ) when in the regular match engine players can dribble unchallenged across the entire pitch at 150% real life speed, just to name one example.
Yeah true. I was ... I guess, I'm pessimistic when it comes to this sort of ideas for FM.
It is something we all have dreamed about for decades, and never seen the smallest hint of. Either from modders or SI, but I do understand your thought process ... if brilliant Koreans can do this, what else can they do?
But I'm pessimistic. Both about getting any graphical changes implanted, us having this ME file to config for FM21, or FM21 having any changes worth buying it for. The best thing about being pessimistic, is when someone like billgates come along, and do stuff like this, I will be pleasantly surprised and overwhelmed.
Neil "Broke" is a joke. What SI have done in this FM20 and their attitude should be punished by the customers.
What I've seen in the videos have hyped me and I'm counting the hours to go home and try it! This game has a community that SI doesn't deserve at all.
I'm not coder or programmer. Just got a way to modify from my community person and modified it with my standard for balance. But when I tried many things to make better engine, I saw some archived files (fmf) have factors about graphics, such as. anm files. I can't even open, maybe if someone can use graphic tools for these, he will be real legend
Some even cannot withstand that some Korean guys can make things better that SI have not even cared and keep having faith in SI, which will soon abandon 2020 when 2021 is released
A conspiracy here, if 2020 is fixed then nobody will buy 2021 as we know how SI's marketing their yearly released FM
Rich B
Has anyone else experienced this?
This is before I have included/installed this mod. Only played 2 matches so far with this add on. Still not seen one.
Just wondering
Can't say I have, and I can't find anything about hand balls or fouls related to it in the ME file, where it should be.
You might be on to something here. With hand balls having a big impact in real games, am I surprised to learn, that this might not even be in the game. And the fact, that with 2450 hours in FM20, haven't noticed it or wondered about it.
I see handballs quite regularly, playing with the default FM20 match engine.
I've witnessed 2 so far via VAR, vanilla ME